Porn Battle site update

Jul 12, 2007 12:57

Thanks to pesha's help, I've updated the Porn Battle website with the first 12 hours worth of porn battle entries. 31 stories, 1 piece of art, in 20 fandoms by 22 different authors/artists!

A note on the prompts. I merged ones for movie sequels (so I put prompts for Ocean's 11 and Ocean's 13 together, same for Pirates of the Caribbean). Others may well be oddly organised because I don't know half the fandoms, or who's who in them! The last few prompts that came in were well after I'd called time, so they didn't make it onto the list. And there are mistakes, because it literally took me half the night to organise them and I stopped drinking coffee part way through so my eyes started going funny - some have been spotted and sorted, but there are sure to be more, so let me know if you find any.

Also, there are some really amazing crossover ideas that just have to be written. I mean, Bible/HP - King Saul/Severus Snape, anyone? And how I love the idea of Moulin Rouge/Torchwood - Jack/Christian or Jack/Satine! I think Jack Harkness probably turns up more than anyone else in the crossover section!

A Song of Ice and Fire
Untitled by redcandle17, A Song of Ice and Fire, Sansa/Petyr, "ruin"
Revenge by curtana, A Song of Ice and Fire, Petyr/Sansa, "door"

Angel the Series
Research by solvent90, Angel the Series, Angel/Wesley, "knowledge"

Brothers & Sisters
Restless by inlovewithnight, Brothers & Sisters, Kevin/Jason, "insomnia"

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Hunt by skittythegreat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Spike, "forest"
Kinship by skittythegreat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Faith, "interim"

Burn Notice
Firecracker by innie_darling, Burn Notice, Michael Western, "fiona"

Into the Silence by raedbard, Carnivale, Jonesy/Sofie, "dreams"

Student-Teacher Relationship by littledrop, CW RPS, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles, "dominance"
Seven Inches from the Midday Sun by and_chocolate, CW RPS, Christian Kane/Jensen Ackles, "summertime"

Dark Angel
Fun Between Friends by littledrop, Dark Angel, Max/Alec, "bickering"

In Your Heartache Waiting by cashewdani, Entourage, Eric/Vince, "track"

A Woman's Touch by skittythegreat, Firefly, Inara/Kaylee, "silk"
Unification by wisdomeagle, Firefly, Kaylee/Mal, "fireworks"

Grey's Anatomy
Weirdest Day Ever by black_eyedgirl, Grey's Anatomy, The Interns, "benefits"
As a Favor for a Friend by wisdomeagle, Grey's Anatomy, Cristina/Derek, "forget"

(ART) Storm by goss, Heroes, Mohinder/Sylar, "thunderstorms"

Stargate Atlantis
Scarlet Woman by casspeach, Stargate Atlantis, Cadman/Lorne, "red dress"
Flavours by tielan, Stargate Atlantis, John/Teyla, "fruit"
Requisitions by miera_c, Stargate Atlantis, John/Elizabeth, "honey"

Stargate SG-1
Flygirl by sailorscully, Stargate SG-1, Daniel/Sam, "fly"

Wrong by z_rayne, Supernatural, Sam/Lenore, "fallen"

Veronica Mars
Lilly, Interrupted by madkrazyghetto, Veronica Mars, Duncan/Lilly, "lilly's bed"

The West Wing
Like Boy Scouts in the Dead of Winter by wisdomeagle, The West Wing, Josh/Mandy, "wet"
Lightning Strikes by raedbard, The West Wing, Sam/Toby, "stress"

Pit Stop by black_eyedgirl, Crossover: Friday Night Lights/Supernatural, Tim/Dean, "car"
Sharp Practice by casspeach, Crossover: Angel the Series/Supernatural, Lindsey/Dean
Inhibition by z_rayne, Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural, Faith/Dean, "lick"
Pick Me Up by janedavitt, Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Stargate SG-1, Faith/Paul Davis, "comfort"
Blood and Sky by cidercupcakes, Crossover: Battlestar Galactica/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Kara/Buffy/Leoben, "skin"
Powers of Description by azephirin, Crossover: Harry Potter/Supernatural, Hermione/Dean Winchester
Cultural Sensitivity by casspeach, Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, Ronon/Paul Davis, [any]

Seven Inches from the Midday Sun (Extended Cut) by and_chocolate, CW RPS, Christian Kane/Jensen Ackles, "summertime"

challenge: porn battle, challenge

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