Smallville wallpapers: 'Rome's Favored Son' and 'The Golden Slave'

May 03, 2007 12:58

My third Smallville post in less than a week! It must be 2004 again!

Reason this time is that, ages ago, betrue and I fancied making a little collaborative something. And now we've finally done it. betrue has made two gorgeous manips, and I made wallpaper and icons from them. Please, do pop over and tell her what a fantastic job she's done!

Rome's Favored Son

1400x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x1024
1152x864 | 1280x800 | 1024x768

The Golden Slave

1400x1050 | 1440x900 | 1280x1024
1152x864 | 1280x800 | 1024x768



All icons are for sharing. Please credit betrue if you use them, seeing as it's her manip. :-)

ETA: betrue and I both think these need a story to go with them. *nudges*

icons, wallpaper: smallville, fandom: smallville, icons: smallville, art: wallpaper

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