Smallville - Freak to Nemesis

Apr 30, 2007 19:03

Two Smallville posts in a row - feels like old times. I had a great time writing my remix fic last weekend, falling back into my love for Lex and Clark. And the whole remixing experience was fascinating - I'd never entirely got the point of it all before, but yeah, I see now.

And in a wave of nostalgia for my old OTP, I've caught up on Smallville. And I'm not sure if it was low expectations, or what, but once I got started I felt a huge wave of my old love of Smallville again. Happy happy.

My three highlights of the last five episodes:

The Chloe as a meteor freak storyline is fascinating. It's given me a reason to tune in again - I want more.

I absolutely loved the slow reveal structure of Promise. The back and forth in time, seeing the set up for events we've already seen but from a flawed perspective first time around. Plus, I'd somehow forgotten just how beautiful the show can be.

And then there was the end of Nemesis - Clark finally seeing that he's played a part in the man Lex has become (I never shout at the screen, but I screamed at Martha to shut up with her 'no one can completely change who they are' and 'sometimes you have to let go' attitude).

"Did you really think I was going to let you die alone down here, Clark?"

"When Lex pulled me out of that rubble, I saw a glimpse of something I hadn't seen in years. My friend."

"Mom, what if part of who Lex is, is because of me. What if I gave up on him too soon."

Lex rescuing Clark and Clark rescuing Lex, running for their lives together. Made me incredibly happy.

It doesn't make top three, but an honourable mention to the sheer hotness of the Lois and fighter!girl in your face flirting and fighting scenes.

This calls for picspam.

I covet that dress!

[6x15, Freak - 429 caps, 1280x720 | 6x16, Promise - 630 caps, 960x528 | 6x18, Progeny - 537 caps, 960x528 | 6x19, Nemesis - 623 caps, 960x528] [galleries]

fandom: smallville, screencaps: smallville, screencaps

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