Hugs, Cuddles and Kisses - final roundup

Apr 16, 2007 00:46

I'm mostly asleep, but a quick post, for three things.

First, happy birthday sori1773! Hope it's a good one!

Second: I'm way behind on comments and stuff again. I'm sorry. If it's urgent, nag me. BTW, dolimir_k, I haven't totally forgotten your question, just haven't got as far as searching for the answer. And svmadelyn, I got your question too, I'm just dithering over my answer!

Third: the Hugs, Cuddles and Kisses challenge is over (though you can still post there if you want, you just won't get linked from the website)! pesha has done her usual sterling work and sorted out all the links, plus a few interesting figures. There are 188 ficlets, by 88 authors, in 39 fandoms (including different RPF ones and crossovers). Supernatural writers were busiest (31 ficlets), closely followed by Stargate Atlantis (27 ficlets) and skittythegreat wrote an impressive 18 of those! I've added all the links, sorted by fandom and by author, to the website, or you can check them out below.

Fantastic stuff - many, many thanks to everyone!

The 4400
First Date by krazykid197, The 4400, Diana/Marco, "awkward"

Babylon 5
Idle Tears by vjstewart2259, Babylon 5, Marcus/Ivanova, "memory/home/poetry"
The Truths That Bind Us by curtana, Babylon 5, Delenn/Lennier, "aftermath/revelation/truth"

Battlestar Galactica
Though I Have Bad Dreams by aella_irene, Battlestar Galactica, Tyrol/Cally, "safe"
Castle by cerebel, Battlestar Galactica, Baltar/Gaeta/Head!Six, "code"
Sleepless by aella_irene, Battlestar Galactica, Gaeta/Baltar, "snug"
In The Dark by cerebel, Battlestar Galactica, Baltar/Gaeta, "need"
The Wings of Pegasus by cerebel, Battlestar Galactica, Gaeta/Helena Cain, "sir"
Day's End by aella_irene, Battlestar Galactica, Helo/Sharon, "family"
Smile by cerebel, Battlestar Galactica, Gaeta/D'anna, "madness"
Mazes by aella_irene, Battlestar Galactica, Helo/Sharon, "lost"
Not Quite Dancing The Night Away by lyssie, Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Anders, "dancing"
Untitled by aella_irene, Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Anders, "nightmare"
A Strange Sort of Relief by curtana, Battlestar Galactica, Anders/Tory, "machine"
Not Forgotten by cerebel, Battlestar Galactica, Gaeta/Tigh, "ambrosia"
Tenacity by truthlostmsr, Battlestar Galactica, Roslin/Adama, "strength"
Watching by aella_irene, Battlestar Galactica, Baltar/Gaeta, "betrayal"
For Sore Eyes by kdsch123, Battlestar Galactica, Apollo/Starbuck, ALL PROMPTS
Uncontrollable by dionusia, Battlestar Galactica, Lee/Kara, "giggly"
A Fire On New Caprica by aella_irene, Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Anders, "firelight"
Staff by aella_irene, Battlestar Galactica, Baltar/Gaeta, "need"
Degrees of Okay by pirateygoodness, Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Anders, "bed"

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
In a Jar by kittyzams, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Riley, "bite"
Old Wounds by skittythegreat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Riley, "bite"
Morning Glow by skittythegreat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Spike, "glow"
Solace by skittythegreat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Spike, "moon"
Watcher by skittythegreat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy & Giles, "tweed"
Hero Worship by skittythegreat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike & Andrew, "motorcycle"
Barbie Blues by skittythegreat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xander/Willow, "barbie"
Garlic by skittythegreat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike & Dawn, "spaghetti"
Understanding by skittythegreat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike & Dawn, "in mourning"
Games We Like To Play by pesha, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Andrew/Warren, "games"
Rebels by pesha, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike/Angelus, "comrades"
Crush by skittythegreat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow/Tara, "incense"
The Creation of Worlds by pesha, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel/Willow, "lost"
Premonition by skittythegreat, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Spike, "comfort"

Confusion by holdouttrout, CSI, Grissom/Sara, "public"

You're Bossy and Short by cassanlynx, CW RPS, Jensen/Jared, "first kiss"
Motivation by all_you_wanted, CW RPF, Tom Welling/Allison Mack, "rehearsing"

Doctor Who
Untitled by cedara, Doctor Who, Martha Jones/Tardis, "sentience"
Remorse for any Death by doyle_sb4, Doctor Who, Ten/Martha, "one last kiss"
Untitled by jadekirk, Doctor Who, Ten/Martha Jones, "books"
Untitled by cedara, Doctor Who, Ten/Martha, "drunk"
How Not To Bang Your Nose by cheeky_monky, Doctor Who, Ten/Martha, "drunk"
Consequences by joanne_c, Doctor Who, Nine/Nancy, "a moment"
Aphrodisiacs by joanne_c, Doctor Who, Jack & Rose, "toothpaste"
War Story by hhertzof, Doctor Who, Nine/Sarah Jane, "unexpected"

Truth or Tall by executrix, Firefly, Wash & Jayne, "bluff"
What If? by lvs2read, Firefly, Mal/Simon, "letters"
From Bad to Worse by ana_grrl, Firefly, Jayne/Simon, "horrific"
Her by skittythegreat, Firefly, Mal/Inara, "saffron"

Freaks & Geeks
The Things You Learn Later by kdsch123, Freaks & Geeks, Lindsay/Nick, "misunderstanding"

Friday Night Lights
the sky of the sky of a tree called life by oxoniensis, Friday Night Lights, Lyla & Tyra, "drunk"

Gilmore Girls
A Series of Drabbles by femmenerd, Gilmore Girls, Dean/Rory, "candy/birthday/ending/anniversary/tears"
Thank You by flareonfury, Gilmore Girls, Lorelai/Dean, "thank you"
Wonderful One Times One by oxoniensis, Gilmore Girls, Dean/Rory, "blanket"

Grey's Anatomy
Another Kind of Comfort by oxoniensis, Grey's Anatomy, Meredith/Cristina, "avoidance"

Harry Potter
Let's Stick Together by jadekirk, Harry Potter, Barty Crouch, Jr & Remus Lupin, "understanding"

Magically Delicious by lunarknightz, Heroes, Claire/Peter, "mistake/not related"
Safe by g_shadowslayer, Heroes, Nathan/Peter, "comfort"
Family Pictures by kdsch123, Heroes, Claire & Nathan, "eyes/family"

House, MD
Closing the Generation Gap by ijemanja, House, MD, Cuddy/Cameron, "compassion"

How I Met Your Mother
Call Out The Instigator by cashewdani, How I Met Your Mother, Barney/Robin, "july 4th"

Jeeves and Wooster
The Moustache Affair by curtana, Jeeves and Wooster, Jeeves/Wooster, "manly"

Untitled by nakeisha, NCIS, Abby/McGee, "comfort"
Untitled by nakeisha, NCIS, Gibbs/Ducky, "boat"
Untitled by nakeisha, NCIS, Gibbs/Ducky, "sunrise"
Sunday by fanmouse, NCIS, Tony/Gibbs, "morning"
Untitled by nakeisha, NCIS, Gibbs/Ducky, "gifts"
Dancing (part of the 'Redefining Family' verse) by wiccagirl24, NCIS, Gibbs/Abby/Ducky, "dancing"
Untitled by nakeisha, NCIS, Gibbs/Ducky, "caring"
Untitled by nakeisha, NCIS, Gibbs/Ducky, "reconciliation"
War Wounds by erehwon6, NCIS, Abby/McGee, "paper cut"
A Hug by erehwon6, NCIS, Ducky & Abby, "teddies"
Fair Winds by becky_monster, NCIS, Abby & Ducky, "geeky"
What Are Friends For? by krazykid197, NCIS, Abby/Kate, "what are friends for?"

Prison Break
I've Got You by azuremonkey, Prison Break, Kellerman/Sara, "comfort"

Queer as Folk
Eat Your Cake Too by burntsm0re, Queer as Folk, Brian/Justin, "lock"
Combat Baby by turnyourankle, Queer as Folk, Justin Taylor/Cody Bell, "sweat"
Brian Hates The Posse! by lovebashed, Queer as Folk, Brian/Justin, "jeans"

Lean on Me by woodsong_1978, RPF, John Barrowman/Gareth David-Lloyd, "late night"
Kid by arsenicjade, RPF Crossover: My Chemical Romance/Panic! at the Disco, Bob/Spencer, "undeniable"
Surface Break by arsenicjade, RPF Crossover: My Chemical Romance/Panic! at the Disco, Gerard/Ryan, "fragile"
Peripheral Vision by arsenicjade, RPF Crossover: My Chemical Romance/Panic! at the Disco, Mikey/Jon, "comfort"
Oncoming by arsenicjade, RPF: Panic! at the Disco, Brendon/Ryan, "storm"
First Gear by arsenicjade, RPF: Panic! at the Disco, Ryan/Spencer, "first"
Greenery and Humid Air by cashewdani, RPF: Jackass, Bam/Ryan, "slurpee"
On The Set by jadekirk, RPF: Doctor Who, Christopher Eccleston/David Tennant, "reunion"
Why P!ATD Will Never Ever Use Futuristic Tour Buses Again, Ever by jeweledbangle, RPF: Panic! At The Disco, Bren/Jon/Ryan/Spencer
Instrumental by scarletts_awry, RPF: Radiohead, Thom Yorke/Jonny Greenwood, "merriment"
Home by frek, RPF: Fall Out Boy, Pete/Patrick, "home"

One Last Thing by curtana, Sandman, Dream/Death, "one last thing"

The Sentinel
Close, When It Counts by t_verano, The Sentinel, Jim/Blair, "home"

Sesame Street
Birthday Presents by aka_arduinna, Sesame Street, Bert & Ernie, "cookies in bed"
Babies?!? by infinimato, Sesame Street, Oscar, "disgusted"
Six by fox1013, Sesame Street, Big Bird & Snuffy, "real"

Undercover Banter by flareonfury, Smallville, Chloe/Oliver, "black dress"
Everybody Loves a Clown by medie, Smallville, Chloe/Oliver, "travel"
Lullabies for the Lost by all_you_wanted, Smallville, Chloe & Lana, "loss"
Trio by all_you_wanted, Smallville, Chloe/Oliver/Clark, "shh"
In the morning, I'm making waffles by tobywolf13, Smallville, Gabe & Chloe, "kitchen"
Sullivan-Lane Girls Have To Stick Together by kdsch123, Smallville, Chloe & Lois, "best friends"
Soulless by kdsch123, Smallville, wee!Lex & Lillian, "loss"
Getaway by kdsch123, Smallville, Chloe/Oliver, ALL PROMPTS
You Spin Me Right Round by tobywolf13, Smallville, Jimmy & Clark, "okay"
In The Still of the Night by tobywolf13, Smallville, Jonathan/Martha & Clark, "watching"
Like a Motherless Child by lunarknightz, Smallville, Chloe & Ollie, "child"
Suspension by noafterglow, Smallville, Chloe/Oliver, "search"
Have Your Cake (and eat it too) by lunarknightz, Smallville, Clark/Chloe, "wedding cake"
My Aim is True by all_you_wanted, Smallville, Chloe/Oliver, "aim"
But Now For Real by kdsch123, Smallville, Clark & Lois, "solace/truth"
Cocktail Party Effect by tobywolf13, Smallville, Lois & Lana, NO PROMPT GIVEN
I Saw That in a Nickelodeon Once by tobywolf13, Smallville, Chloe & Pete, "tickle"
Growing Pains by tobywolf13, Smallville, Chloe & Clark, "growth"
See Me by nuevayuimaxwell, Smallville, Chloe/Oliver, "surrender"
Untitled by krazykid197, Smallville, Clark/Jason, "winning touchdown"

Sports Night
Terms of Endearment by phoebesmum, Sports Night, Casey/Dan, "darling"
Random Firing by lordessrenegade, Sports Night, baby!Dan & baby!Sam, "window"
Cold Feet by phoebesmum, Sports Night, Dan/Natalie, "finally/shoes"
Untitled by hyperfocused, Sports Night, Dan/Casey, ALL PROMPTS

Stargate Atlantis
As If Rodney Really Minds by thegrrrl2002, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "smile"
The House Doesn't Always Win by purple_cube, Stargate Atlantis, Lorne/Teyla, "cards"
The Willow Song by chasingkerouac, Stargate Atlantis, Lorne & Cadman, "drunk"
Coffee Breath by apple_pi, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "coffee"
Touch by sheafrotherdon, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "ache"
What Comes After by mmmchelle, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "smile"
Let Me Sail, Let Me Crash Upon Your Shore by siriaeve, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "heat"
Breathe Me To Sleep by maisiuil, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "hurt"
Muffins and Strawberries by samjack_girl, Stargate Atlantis, John/Elizabeth, "muffins"
and in your dreams an old piece of sadness lifts away by dogeared, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "skin"
Reckless by thegrrrl2002, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "need"
Universal Medicine by thefannishwaldo, Stargate Atlantis, John/Carson, "fire and rain"
Field Trip by medie, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "ache"
Moonlight by mmmchelle, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "skin"
Cool With It by mmmchelle, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "reading"
The Stray by purple_cube, Stargate Atlantis, John/Teyla, "trapped"
What She Wants by margarks, Stargate Atlantis, Ronon/Elizabeth, "defense/time"
Triple 'S' Threat by margarks, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "rejection"
Bedtime by wolfshark, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "heat"
Pacifier by mmmchelle, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "need"
Promises by samjack_girl, Stargate Atlantis, John/Elizabeth, "promises"
Blanket Hogging by pocky_slash, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney, "jeannie"
Important by tielan, Stargate Atlantis, John & Teyla, "commonality"
Last Rites by ladyjax, Stargate Atlantis, Rodney/Teyla, "mother"
Team Effort by ladyjax, Stargate Atlantis, John/Rodney/Ronon/Teyla, "group hup"

Stargate SG-1
What Happens on PX4-485 by holdouttrout, Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jack, "break the regs"
Peppermint blue by rydra_wong, Stargate SG-1, Teal'C/Cameron, "tv"
Crash Into You by noafterglow, Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jonas, "thunderstorms"
Sleepy Head by noafterglow, Stargate SG-1, Sam/Jonas, "sleepy"
Oh, What a Beautiful Morning by melayneseahawk, Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, "morning"
Morning Sunshine by autumnxchild, Stargate SG-1, Jack/Daniel, "morning"

hold me like a newborn by oxoniensis, Supernatural, Sam & Dean, "crib"
The Ragged Edge of the Universe by sanyin, Supernatural, Sam/Jess, "books/first/summer/quiet"
On The Screws by sanyin, Supernatural, Teen!Dean & Teammates, "winning point"
His Girl by woodsong_1978, Supernatural, Dean & The Impala, "missed you"
Bed, Bath, And Beyond by eloise_bright, Supernatural, Dean & John, "hospital"
Metallic Tang by hanyo_alchemist, Supernatural, Sam/Lenore, "taste"
Chapters by azephirin, Supernatural, John, Mary & Dean, "bedtime story"
Blond Moment by montisello, Supernatural, Dean/Jo, "glass"
Safe by elz, Supernatural, Wee!Dean & Baby!Sam, "pillow fort"
Echoes by eloise_bright, Supernatural, John & Dean, "daddy"
Untitled by skittythegreat, Supernatural, Dean & The Impala, "missed you"
The Only Word I Need To Know by pesha, Supernatural, wee!Dean & baby!Sammy, "first word"
I'll Always Be Here by pesha, Supernatural, wee!Dean & baby!Sammy, "crib/cranky"
Crimson Night (excerpt) by lady__vaako, Supernatural, Sam/Ellen, "first kiss"
In His Brother's Arms by odd_for_sods, Supernatural, Sam/Dean/John, "sacrifice"
For My Son by skittythegreat, Supernatural, John & Dean, "hospital"
The Deathly Hallows by lunarknightz, Supernatural, Dean/Jo, "glass/harry potter/pizza"
Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark, Sammy by skittythegreat, Supernatural, wee!Dean & wee!Sam, "closet monster"
Strong Walls by skittythegreat, Supernatural, wee!Dean & baby!Sam, "pillow fort"
Baby Brother by skittythegreat, Supernatural, Mary & baby!Dean, "sleep"
A League of her Own by pesha, Supernatural, Sam/Jess, "first/summer/books/quiet"
Yellow Sunshine by xtremeroswellia, Supernatural, Sam/Jess, "first"
Close Call by skittythegreat, Supernatural, Sam & Dean, "close call"
Take Notice by pesha, Supernatural, Teen!Dean/Teen!Sam, "reward"
What Big Brothers Do by skittythegreat, Supernatural, Sam & Dean, "sleepy side down"
Reunion by krazykid197, Supernatural, Dean & The Impala, "missed you"

Last Dance by woodsong_1978, Torchwood, Jack/Jack, "impossible"
High in Antioxidants by prettyquotable, Torchwood, Ianto/Tosh, "green tea"

Without A Trace
Beginning by krazykid197, Without A Trace, Danny/Martin, "addiction/beginning"

Can I Touch You? by azuremonkey, Crossover: Grey's Anatomy/Supernatural, Izzie Stevens/John Winchester, "wonder"
It Takes Two by jadekirk, Crossover: Casanova/Harry Potter, Giacomo Casanova/Barty Crouch, Jr., "dream"
Destiny by azuremonkey, Crossover: Supernatural/Veronica Mars, Dean/Veronica, "graveyard"
Freakish by velocitygrass, Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, Sheppard/Rodney/Cameron, "flight"
Homecoming by bluflamingo, Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, John/Cameron, "home"
Cold by xtremeroswellia, Crossover: Supernatural/Smallville, Dean/Chloe/Sam, "cold"
Hero by pesha, Crossover: Grey's Anatomy/Supernatural, Izzie/John Winchester, "wonder"
Burning Up by femmenerd, Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Supernatural, Faith/Dean, "hotter"

challenge: hugs cuddles and kisses, challenge

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