What to Do While You're Waiting

Jan 11, 2007 17:28

+ The porn battle has its own tags on del.icio.us! And it's own not-so-little section on the_wireless (eight BSG pornlets!)! I've lost track of how many stories/pieces of art/vids there are (pesha is an angel and is sorting and coding them for me for a roundup post), but I think there are 25 pornlets per page, and we're on page 7 and we're not even half way through the challenge. That's a boatload of porn! *high fives fandom*

+ Also making me happy is the feedback on 'you left some stars in my belly'. I didn't expect anyone much to read it because of the pairing, but I'm getting comments like: "Emily/Mackenzie isn't a pairing I would have thought of, and you made me wonder why I never thought of them together before -- you made it seem like the most natural thing in the world." (It's possibly very bad form to quote feedback publically, but...) Funny thing is, I have no idea where in my brain that story came from, but I ended up totally believing in the pairing myself!

+ I am getting butterflies in my stomach waiting for new Supernatural! It's entirely possible that I will stay up until the wee small hours to watch it the very first second I can.

+ I carefully avoided my flist today until I'd watched Friday Night Lights, only to discover almost no mention of it! Wherefore people?! Why are you not all watching it?!

Of the awesome this week on FNL:

Tyra. I loved seeing her home life, and I love that she has such an amazing relationship with her mother, despite the way they mess up with the men in their life.

Matt. He's such a smart kid, sometimes you can just see him rumbling through ideas and how things are working, until he comes out with the right thing.

The Taylors. The scene where Julie tells her parents how much she loves them was funny and touching and just wonderful. Tami, of course, got it, and Coach was way behind, and that's how it should be.

Jason v Dillon. God, if he didn't have enough to deal with. And the worst thing is, there's no good solution, no easy way out.

[ zip file, 499 caps ] [ gallery ]







Textures from 44suburbia. The usual: no need to ask if you want any, just comment and let me know which ones. Cool kids credit, uncool kids hotlink.

icons, fandom: friday night lights, icons: friday night lights, screencaps

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