Nobody is cooperating in my Porn Battle attempts. Sam and Dean are cuddling (honestly, guys!), Tyra can't seem to wake Tim up, I have no idea how to get Spike to the Pegasus galaxy, and Jack Harkness and Vala are weighing each other up silently and warily. No one is just getting down and dirty! So I capped Stargate Atlantis instead, as the high res copy came out nice and quickly.
Everyone looked pretty in the red suits. That's about my limit of observation on this episode. Oh, and yes, I *loved* John's offer to fight to the death. And the little moment with Teyla at the end, when you just know he'd be the first to save Rodney, no matter how much he jokes otherwise. Some cute little team moments - the plot overall, blah. And I was so hoping for some John/Rodney inspiration - darn!
Ah well, red suit picspam - that has to be good:
with a brief excursion to John in black and
I can't remember what was going on here, but just the cap makes me smile
Good shots of Lorne for once!
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