Wonderful Wilby Wonderful

Dec 20, 2006 13:12

793 stories up on the Yuletide archive so far, and the counter is going sloooooooooow (though I bet it'll double quadruple in speed if I get the last pinch hit I asked for!). Is it Christmas Day yet?!


My contribution to this week's edition of the Island Sentinel wilbywednesday - screencaps.

[ 1,240 caps split into three ~ 50 MB zips. zip 1 ¦ zip 2 ¦ zip 3 ¦ gallery ]

And a little, non-spoilery picspam - count it as a teaser if you're thinking about getting the movie. And if you're undecided, check out the fandom overview up at the crack_van.

fandom: wilby wonderful, screencaps

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