[no subject, just random stuff]

Dec 11, 2006 23:50

1. The thing I adore most about the new Jared interview here is that he just can't resist having fun at Jensen's expense, even when it's totally off topic. And he's so self deprecating too. *loves* eta: Jared and Jensen even travel to set together! ♥

2. I've watched two more episodes of FNL this evening. I am now officially in love with it. I even have an icon with American football players on it, and really, that's just plain WRONG! I need a cricket icon, or a skiing icon or something to balance it out.

3. I should add my writing update thingy to this post, but I'll summarise instead - no change since my lunchtime post. That would be because of watching FNL!

4. Pimping. Last call to fill in svmadelyn's poll for the best story/art/vid you've produced (I don't know what to pick! I think of one story, then I remember that it has a clunky opening paragraph or something else wrong with it, so I'm trying to find my one perfect story. Ha.). spn_vday prompts are up for grabs - stories to be posted on Feb 14th - schmoop, porn and schmoopy porn!! And because I haven't pimped it for a while, drop_the_u, for non-Americans writing American fandoms, who want insta help on all the minutae of American life and language.

5. I have a Christmas stocking, should you wish to give me gifts. There's no size limit, so even Sam Winchester will fit inside (that would be a hint, btw).

Xmas Stocking

leave a gift for oxoniensisget your stocking

If you have stockings I haven't found/filled yet, link me!

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