SPN - Croatoan

Dec 08, 2006 13:04


If it weren't for Dean and Sam, this would have been a fairly crappy day. But I am ignoring the crappiness, and I am happy, because how could I not be happy when Dean and Sam LOVE EACH OTHER SO VERY MUCH!!!

I think I might be about to go absolutely loopy on the picspam because how the hell am I supposed to pick just a few moments from that episode? And you might have been able to tell from the caps lock abuse that I'm not exactly coherent enough to manage thoughtful meta right now!

Oh, but the ending! Dear PTB, how are we supposed to wait a month and a half for the rest of that conversation? A MONTH AND A HALF OF CRUEL WAITING!!!!

Pictures! Big ones, because the first torrent up this morning was a high def one, so I was squealing even before I started watching.

Dean handling a gun. I'm already panting, and the episode's barely started

The show that is educational as well as entertaining.

Dean/Impala/gun OTP

Okay, so I have a bone to pick here. This is NOT how you make/look at blood films! You make slides, you stain them. I wish, just for once, shows would get this right. /pathology rant

I love this profile shot

"I don't swing that way, sorry." Oh, Dean, how do you not get beaten up even more than you already do?! ♥

Have I mentioned that I love that Sam is still wearing the cast? And I know it's a necessity, but it's just so good to see ongoing continuity. Also, Sam getting slammed into a cabinet by a girl?! Yeah!!

Dean with the gun, Dean spinning the Impala, Dean and Sam making explosives. I approve.

I was willing him not to shoot - the human toll was already too high - but after the end I'm going to will him to shoot every time I rewatch this scene. You know when you're a little kid and you think things might turn out differently next time you read the book/watch the movie? You think Jo might marry Laurie, and that Bambi's mother won't be shot. I'm still like that!

"You make a move on him, you'll be dead before you hit the ground, you understand me. Do I make myself clear!"

The depth of love Dean packs into one look at his brother.

What got me here was that Sam wasn't crying for himself. He's crying because he can't bear the thought that Dean's giving up, that Dean's going to die, and maybe at Sam's hands if Sam can't kill himself first.

This scene, just... OMG LOVE

[screencaps - 757, 62 MB, 960x528 px] Or in a gallery here.

ETA - forgot the update of shame:
yuletide mystery fandom story: 690 words
Massive Flist Fic Exchange o' Doom mystery fandom story: 0 words
This weekend, I'll knuckle down and WRITE!

screencaps: supernatural, screencaps, fandom: supernatural

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