
Aug 26, 2006 00:59

I have to stay awake just a few minutes longer so I can send everyone to sga_flashfic to see lim's latest work: a mission report by Teyla, in song form (text and mp3), and an absolutely amazing video to accompany it. I wouldn't be able to do it justice at the best of times, let alone when I can barely keep my eyes open long enough to type, so please, just go and download it and be awed like I was.

But if I can't persuade you to try something SGA related (though, really, you don't even have to like SGA to enjoy the video) here are a couple of Supernatural stories by two authors who consistently write the sort of stories (earthy and real) that take hold of me and don't let go, that linger in the back of my mind for days, weeks, that just make me joyful to have discovered fandom and such perfect writing.

water from the well by traveler (Dean & Sam, gen, 1,745 words)

you always did prefer the drizzle to the rain by flipmontigirl (Dean/she, John, NC-17, 3,166 words)

recs, fandom: supernatural, fandom: stargate atlantis

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