SPN drabble: "Ginger"

Aug 08, 2006 18:54

Supernatural drabble, Dean & Sam, gen, fluff, PG. Prompt word, ginger, from swtalmnd.


Dean's on a health kick. Sam bets it's gonna last a couple of days, tops, or until they leave Stewartville and the hot red-headed vegan chick, whichever's first.

"What's this?" Dean asks, gulping down half a glassful. "It's not half bad."

"Juice," Sam answers.

"Thanks, wise-ass. What kind?"

"Carrot, orange, beetroot and ginger."

Dean chokes on a mouthful, and glares.

"Vegetables," he says.

Sam can't stop laughing.

They speed out of town two hours later. They buy burgers at a rest stop a few miles out of town. Dean pulls the lettuce out of his and flicks it at Sam.

fiction: supernatural, fiction, fandom: supernatural

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