Ficlet: 'The Observant Eye'

Sep 05, 2005 20:37

Happy birthday callmesandy!

corellianjedi requested - Sports Night - Jeremy - prompt: 'Harry Potter'.

"So, what do you think?" Jeremy stood hopefully in front of Natalie.

"Yeah, very nice," Natalie agreed without looking up from the console. "Have you got the stats on the Red Wings/Flyers game ready?"

"You haven't noticed, have you?"

"Of course, I've noticed!" Natalie retorted. She paused, screwing her nose up as she thought, then looked up. "What haven't I noticed?"

"Aha, I knew you hadn't noticed."

"You're not going to tell me, are you?"


"Is there any way I can-persuade-you to tell me?" Natalie smiled. Jeremy wasn't sure if the smile was primarily sultry or if evil edged ahead, but either way, he was doomed.

"Possibly," he said nervously.

Natalie leaned over and whispered in his ear. "I'll wear one of your white dress shirts tonight."

"I'm wearing new glasses." Jeremy wasn't proud of himself for caving so easily, but Natalie fought dirty, and really, pride wasn't worth standing in the way of Natalie in one of his white shirts.

"No, you're not."

"I am!"


"Yes. They're Harry Potter style frames, and the woman at the optician's said they made me look very sexy."


"No, they don't make me look sexy?" Jeremy was hurt.

"No, you're not wearing Harry Potter glasses. You're wearing the same glasses you always wear. But they are sexy." Natalie patted him consolingly on the arm.

Jeremy pulled his glasses off and looked at them in bemusement. "Huh, I must have picked up the wrong pair this morning."

"You can wear them tonight. I'll wear your shirt, and you can wear your new glasses. I bet you'll look really sexy." Natalie brushed a hand through his hair. "Do you know what else would make you really sexy, right now?"

"I could hazard a guess, but there's a strong likelihood that I'd be wrong."

"The stats on the Red Wings/Flyers game."

"And they'll make me sexy?"

"Even sexier than you already are."

Jeremy couldn't resist one last check as he left the control room. "You'll definitely wear the shirt?"

Natalie's nod was full of promise.


ETA: If you're looking for something to do to help those affected by Katrina, check out the details crumblingwalls gives here. It's something almost anyone can do to help people finding missing friends and relatives - it just takes computer access and a bit of time.

fandom: sports night, fic_on_demand

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