Writers' Workout

Aug 15, 2005 13:02

For those of you who missed it yesterday, the Writers' Workout Challenge is open for business! Have you signed up yet?

So far, we have sixteen authors taking on the advanced challenge - three of us are going to attempt first person subjective, two first person objective, six second person, one third person objective and two are going to be writing the same piece from two different points of view. And we have several newbies too - five are taking on the beginners challenge and have received their prompts.

And cheering on the newbies we have our cheerleading squad!

The gorgeous rhiannon_jehane who will help out with due South, Stargate Atlantis, The Sentinel, Firefly, Smallville, any of the Age of Sail fandoms (Pirates of the Caribbean, Hornblower, Master & Commander). Slash is preferred, but will beta gen, too. Email address - rhiannonjehane at yahoo dot com

The flexible feliz581 who's looking to help in the Smallville and QaF fandoms. Email address - feliz581@yahoo.com

The delightful storydivagirl who's willing to help with Smallville, Alias, Harry Potter, Charmed, Joan of Arcadia, Veronica Mars, Battlestar Galatica and anything else in her user info, plus original work. Email - tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com

The glamorous aidenfire: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Queer As Folk, Ocean's 11, Lost, other assorted small novel or movie fandoms, and original fiction and poetry. Other than Lost and QaF, no TV shows and no anime/manga. Contact: aidenfire(at)livejournal.com, on aim (dasatain), msn (dignifiednapkin@hotmail), or yahoo (lotr_ist_besser), or leave a comment anywhere on aidenfire.

The amazingly athletic celli whose interests include Alias, Smallville, Firefly, Sports Night, both Stargates (although she knows Atlantis better), Battlestar Galactica (78 and 03), NCIS, due South. For anything not listed, try emailing her: celli at fanfic101 dot com

The exuberant ilexa: Boondock Saints, Due South, Firefly, Highlander, House, Oz, Smallville, Sports Night, Stargate Atlantis, The Sentinel, Wilby Wonderful (and pretty much anything else that Callum Keith Rennie ever appeared in), and The X-Files. You can contact her at ilexa @ livejournal.com

The incredible holly_cky who'll cheer on any Harry Potter writers, and also Star Wars, QaF, Lost, The OC, Velvet Goldmine, many other movies and original fiction. Contact: hollyshaw13 at hotmail dot com

There's room for many more on either challenge, or on the cheerleading squad - sign up here!

challenge: writers' workout challenge, challenge

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