The Magazine Quiz {one-shot}

Feb 13, 2009 21:35

Title:The magazine quiz {one-shot}
Genre: fluff
Summary: Ueda went to NewS' changing room since one of his bandmates borrowed a magazine of his and left it there. As expected, he finds the magazine. Then Ueda opens the magazine that leaves him surprised. Surprised not because that someone wrote in it, but surprised as to the writing he does not seem to recognise...
A/N: (so bad at summaries yuckiieee!) This is my Valentines day gift for you Ryoda lover's out there...enjoyy~!

The Magazine Quiz

"Jin do you have my magazine?" Ueda Tatsuya asked searching through the drawers in KAT-TUN's dressing room. Jin came in the room and stood across him.

"Ah no, I left it at NewS' dressing room while I was visiting Pi. Gomen ne!" he held his hand out while bowing to him apologetically.

Ueda sighed in annoyance " Then can you go get it?" suddenly their manager came in.

"Akanishi-kun, I need you and Nakamaru-kun to help me with something." he called out.

"Hai" Jin answered. Ueda grunted giving Jin his death glare. "I'm sorry, okayyy~" he excused himself out ignoring Tatsuya's glare as he followed him out the door. He then got up and made his way next door to NewS' dressing room. Tatsuya knocked on the door a few times but seemed like noone answered. Cautiously without thinking he let himself in. He scanned around the room then found it on a table near some jackets that were piled next to it. It looked in perfect condition . But before he could walk out, Ueda checked for damages in the magazine.

He asked himself why did he even have a magazine which only 16 year old teenage girls use. "Oh well" he shrugged "Now....where's that page...16.." he sat in one of the beanbag sofas nearby and flipped the page. "Aha! there it is."
The page was all pink and with many hearts;It was a Love Quiz. Skimming through the quiz Ueda noticed someone already filled out the quiz. "Ughh, since when did Jin have my permission to write in my magazine..."he thought to himself. He examined the person's writing. But it didn't look like Jin's writing. Curious, Ueda decided to look at the answers. He brought the magazine right to his face and began reading.

Love Quiz

Have you ever wondered if you and your crush were compatible? Have you been wondering if you really had feelings for the one you seem to love? Or have you ever wanted to know what kind of romantic you are? Take this quiz and find out!

1. Does your crush give you attention?

a. all the time

b.never TT___TT

c. other - I make him >;P

2. When was the last time you saw your crush?, in fact we see each other everyday!

b. still never TT___TT

c. once in a while

3. How often do you think about him or her?

a.when I see them

b. 24/7 - I never stopped

c. never...

4. When you're walking down the hall and you see your loved one with someone else and they're hugging what would you do?

a. nothing

b. run to a wash room and cry

c. get angry at the other person - BEAT HIM TO DEATH

5. What are your most favorites features you love on your crushes appreance?

a. lips - I want those big fish-lips

b. eyes

c. face

Ueda paused. "I want those big fish-lips" The words filled in Ueda's head and he began to memorize how Ryo and Jin always told him he had big fish lips.

6. Do you and your crush get along well?

a. rarely - but it's a love/hate relationship =D


c. sometimes

7. How would you describe your crush towards others? To you?
a.friendly towards friends/nicer to me

b.cold hearted/worser to me

c. friendly towards others/ cold to me - BUT
he's cute when he's mad

8. Last question folks! If you were to spend a whole day together, but it was the last day you would ever see he or she ever again, where would you take her or him?

a. anywhere she/he would like

b. don't care

c. other - take him everywhere, so we can see it all together

Ueda laughed. The comments the person put, he thought, was cute, and sometimes weird. It seemed like the answers were corresponding to him.

He shook his head in disbelief and continued to read on. THE RESULTS :Mostly C's - You definately are in love with your crush, yet you are not sure of he or she's feelings towards you. You two seem very compatible, but both are too stubborn to admit that you have fallen for each other! Yet, some people may hit on your lover, thats because you act like ACCUANTIANCES! you need to be more like a couple.. Some people think you guys are not even friends and maybe enemies.. be careful your relationship is in jeapordy.. in other words you are not really that romantic.

Reading this Ueda laughed so hard he dropped the magazine in front of him, he was too captivated in his laughing, what a result. After moments of mindless laughing he shook his head and picked up the glossy magazine and placed it out on the coffee table in front of him. He sighed, feeling relaxed being alone in the dressing room. But before a single move was done, he heard stomping echoes coming closer out in the room.

"Oi Akanishi can I have that qui--"the figure standing at the door paused as he saw Ueda.

"What are you doing here Ryo?" Ueda looked at him annoyed.

"I wanted to read this magazine that Jin showed me the other day, and I did this one quiz and...where is it?..Oi! what do you mean what am I doing here? What are YOU doing here" he gave a demanding look.Ueda looked at him with wide eyes and he burst out in laughter again.

"W-what's so funny hime?!" he asked pissed but also confused.

"You have a horrible result! Haha! You even put some comments on the sides of your answers, yet you got the worst result!" he began to laugh again.

"Y-you r-r-read it..?" He turned shyly away from Ueda

"YEAH! Hahahaha! I don't think that person you like will like you back since you're not a romantic."

"Stupid can you not see that those comments are towards you.." still keeping his face away from Ueda, Ryo bit his lips to restrain himself from blushing too much.

"W-w-what?!" Shocked,Tatsuya is now fully aware of what he heard. He couldn't believe what he heard from that poison-tongue Ryo Nishikido.

"Gosh, you are dense's so obvious with the commenting.." Ryo said still not making any eye contact.

Ueda had eyes in wide shock once again, but his lips were smiling. He simply got up and walked towards him. He stopped only one inch away from him. Ryo slowly maneuvered his head to face Ueda, to see those big adorable eyes of his.

Ueda giggled " Your not romantic, yet those comments you're really sweet" he smiled . Ryo began to blush even more, and tried to utter a word. He moved his lips up and down, but no sound coming out from it. Then he felt those big fish-lips press against his own. First he was surprised then began to take advantage of the kiss. He guided his tongue in front of the other's lips to ask if he could enter. Ueda quickly let Ryo in. Both exploring each others caverns. Ryo wrapped his arms around Ueda's waist as Tatsuya wrapped his arms around the back of his neck. Ueda ran his hands in Ryo's hair. He gave a little giggle in between the kiss, just because he was happy of who was kissing him right this moment. Nothing felt even better of kissing his crush. But Ueda was kissing his crush too, the quiz was meant to be towards Ryo, but Ryo beat him to the post. This moment, they would cherish it forever. Two of them seperated their mouths and gasped for air. Ryo embraced him. He could still feel Ueda smiling.

"I love you hime" he blushed once more.

Tatsuya hugged him even tighter "I love you too" he nuzzled at the crook of the latter's neck. Then a sudden reacurrance.

"Why'd you write in the magazine?" Ueda narrowed his eyes looking straight at his lover's adorable eyes.

"Jin told me it was his and--" he saw his little princess that looked away to glare at something. Ryo kissed him on the forehead. " Don't worry babe, I'll beat him up"

"Hehe! Okay " he nodded his head in Ryo's chest, grinning. They stayed that way for what seemed forever.....

Until Nakamaru and Jin came back from their duties with the manager. Ryo unruly chased that Bakanishi around and his forever lover cheering him on.

~The End~

A/N: Hey minna! Happy Valentines Day~

I wrote this for all yous ryoda lovers =] , this is a Valentines present for you guys!!

Forgive me minna since I failed at my first attempt for making a one-shot *bows*

Also thank you Moni-chan for beta-ing this and all my fics ^^ (sorry I haven't included you in credits *slaps self*)

one-shot, fanfic

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