May 09, 2006 16:12
I toootally just made up that word for my subject.
Okay so I really need to be doing my senior paper and I promised myself that I would make use of this valuable time to finish it because I won't have enough time in the next two days and because I got home at 12 because of the AP Gov exam which wasn't that bad, but I definitely didn't get a 5 so whateverrr--anything that's not a 5 is just arbitrary because I need a 5 to get credit @ Barnard.
So I've been home since 12, yet once again, I am procrastinating. Typical :-/
So let me just get it out of me. I feel like there are things I want to unleash, not that they're amazingly vital, but they're just buzzing around in my head waiting to get out onto this LJ. (You know, I never think of this as a blog? But I guess that's what it is. That's weird. I've never associated myself as a blogger. I've distanced myself from that term, haha.)
I've also realized that being in Abby's English class has scarred my life forever. Both good and bad. Good in that my writing skills are much better and I'm a good editor. Bad in that I find the need to edit EVERYTHING that I write. From big papers to unimportant myspace comments. Like when I end with a proposition in a sentence in a comment on someone's LJ/myspace/facebook/blahblah, I like.. have this spasm in my brain that makes me want to correct it. But then I just let it go because I think it would sound weird if I were (btw, I just edited those words because I had "it sounds" and had to change to "it would" jeeeeez) to say "Heyyyy with whom are you going to prom?" I don't think I really like it! It makes me overanalyze even more than I already do!! It's a curse. Ahhhhhh.
Annnnd I know I've written about this before, but the thought that there are literally billions of people out there who I do not know and could know absolutely boggles my mind. There could be, there is, someone out there who is PERFECT for me for friendship or marriage or whatever relationship. And I'm fortunate enough to have found some of them. But there are so many more. How can we meet? Why are there these... barriers and mental blocks that keep people from just.. being together?
As a source of procrastination, I've been browsing the Barnard 2010 myspace group and today I branched off onto the Columbia 2010 one (of which I am not a part...UGHH SEEEE I CAN'T STOP THE GRAMMATICAL CORRECTNESS...because I'm not a ridiculously smart person who was able to get in by like.. an 8% acceptance rate. Riiiidiculous!) and there were all these people on them that made me just think.. am I going to be friends with you? Am I ever going to see you? Could we be perfect for each other?
College is such an appropriate forum for this whole "tons of people with whom you could be friends" thing.
It's a head-scratcher, yeaaaaah. :)
Finish my senior paper, that's what. ha, lovely.