Aug 06, 2010 06:58
So my brother finally got the "Congratulations, you're in!" from Admissions. We'll both be starting in the Fall... I'm just waiting for my old High School's county office to get off their ass and send my transcripts that I've requested weeks ago. I've already been accepted, they just need all my paperwork in so they can divy out my scholarships to go towards my tuition. I think he hates that I'm a Sophomore and he's a Freshman. (Being that I'm 7 years younger and all.) But oh well. He'll be done with school before me anyway.
I'm actually pretty excited to go back to school, I've been out of it for 3-4 years... I don't know what you'd to call it, other than a break. It wasn't a break by choice, I did a lot of moving around for work but I felt like now was the time to set some roots again, and going back to college was one of them... Also, calling up all my old friends and telling them I was back in town for good. (For at least the next 3 years anyway, until med school... which will be God knows where. *Fingers crossed for J.H.U.*)
I'm less than 10 miles off campus, which is nice. Means I don't have to get up extra early to make it to class, but the campus is new and kind of big, so finding my way around will be a pain in the ass until I get my bearings.
In other news (I know that I don't update this as regularly as I should since... not that anyone reads this anyway, but if you by chance don't know me, you probably by just reading my few posts, think I'm still dating my 8 yr crush, which is not the case - that lasted maybe 2 months before the eminent freak out... She's actually back with her ex-boyfriend now - the one she dumped during the holidays. Oh well.)
So yeah, I've been talking to this girl online, who is from NC and is 18. (She was 18 when I met her, don't judge.) She lives with her parents and it's been about 5 months now... We want to meet, but her parents, mainly her mother, won't allow it. I think it's stupid, her mother's argument is that she's not comfortable with the whole "You met my daughter online" thing... It's not like we met in some dirty chat room, we played FFXI (I recently quit playing) and met on there through people we knew. I'm not going to argue with her mother. I'm not going to make Naomi choose, like her mother is. C'est la vie. I have no great expectations. I would just like to meet her and see if we hit it off face to face like we do online. I know that sounds horrible, but it is what it is.
So it's 7am. I might as well give up on sleep and make a pot of coffee. Walk the dog, maybe go for a run. I've got a lot to be happy for; going back to college, friends, family. But my luck with romantic relationships tends to suck. Maybe I should stop looking, and let the right girl find me instead... I don't know.
Oh, I got a new haircut. I look cute with it.
Sorry... That was random.
Okay. Coffee and working up a sweat, here I come.