(no subject)

Jun 06, 2004 00:25

What time is it? 12:11
Full Name: Natalie Marie D'Ademo
Birthday: October 17, 1988
Location: greenwich
School/Mascot/Colors: Cardinal, red black and white
Zodiac Sign: libra
Shoe size: 8
Ring size: 7
Height: 4'11
Pets: dog- snowball bunny-flopsy fishies-nemo n marlin
Siblings: brother
Eye Color: green
Hair color: brown
Grade: 10
Hobbies: singing, dancing, acting
Nicknames: nattybear
What languages do you speak: English,spanish
Do you play sports?: ...ha badmittion you kno it
Where were you born?: here
Are you a night or morning person?:NIGHT
Are you ticklish: yes xcept on my feet
Do you believe in god?: yesm

Personal crap:

What do you want to be when you grow up?: singer or teacher
What is the worst day of your life?: i duno wen sum1 died?
What is your most embarrasing story?:...i duno!
What has been the best day of your life?: mmm i duno
What comes first in your life?: myself
What are you scared of?: spiders the south *no offense magge* trucks
If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them?: in the back of my head?
What do you usually think about before you go to bed?: all the drama in my life
Favorite crap:

Memory: sum times @ aprils house
Movie: finding nemo
Band/Group: nsync fo lyfee!!
Store: kohls pac sun and lovin hot topic now
Relative: danny my cuz ^_^
Sport: baseball
Vacation Spot: atlantic city, disney world, or las vagas
Ice Cream Flovor: vanilla
Fruit: oranges
Candy: candy necklaces and sugar covered stuff
Car: buggy convertable
Class: english gotta love mr.anderson
Day of the week: friday
Color: blue!
Magazine: ym!
Name for a girl: Persephone
Name for a boy: Chad

In the past 24 hours have you...

Lied?: no
Had a serious talk?: nope
Hugged someone?: yep
Fought with a friend?: kinda
Laughed?: no
Made someone laugh?: no
Bought something?: YES HE HEEHEHEHH
Cut your hair?: Nope
Felt stupid?: yes
Talked to someone you loved?: yesm
Missed someone?: Yes i miss hanging out with everyone

Have you ever...

Gone on a date?: nope
Done drugs?: nope
Eaten an entire box of oreos?: no
Been dumped?: nope
Had someone been unfaithful to you?: nope
What punky brewster?: punky wha?
Hiked a mountain?: yupp
Stayed home on a saturday night?: WHAT AM I DOIN NOW!
Been in love with a person?: nope
Seen the white house?: nope
Seen the eiffel tower?: nope
Tried smoking?: nope
Drank alcohol?: yea
Smoke marijuana?:nope
Played monopoly?: YES!
Seen titanic?: Yess
Kissed someone?: unfourtnally
French Kissed someone?: once again unfourtnally
Lost your virginity?: nope
Tried a weight loss program?: nope
Jumped on a trampoline?: Yess
Visited another country?: nope
Colored in a coloring book and had fun?: yeh!
Had a bubble bath?: yep!
Been on a plane?: yep!*my fave*
Been on a boat?: yea
Been on a train?: yeh
Been in a car accident?: no
Ridden an elephant?: no i want to thou...WHERES DUMBO!
Made a webpage?: yep(www.enchantedprincess.cjb.net)
Played with barbies?: Yesm
Stayed up all night?: Yep
Shoved things under your bed to make your room look neat?: duh
Broken a bone?: yea finger
Called a sex or phsycic hotline?: nopee
Watched jerry springer?: yes !1
Gotten in trouble for talking in class?: oh god yea sumtimes i say wuts on my mind TOO much...heh terrells class knos wut im talkin bout
Been afraid of the dark?: yea
Been in the hospital(not visiting or working)?: yea
Had stitches?: nope
Dumped someone and regretted it?: no
Went out with more than one person at a time?: no
Lied?: who hasnt
Been arrested?: HAHAH no
Fallen asleep in class?:ALmost
Used food for something other than to eat?: yeaa...
Met a celeberaty?: yaa
Broken the law?: i guess....JAY WALKING!
Ever loved someone so much it made you cry:psssh no
Hated yourself?: yea
Been heartbroken?: yes..
Broken someones heart?: haha now thats a funny one

Do you...

Daydream?: nope
Like to give hugs?: yea
Like to walk in the rain?: YES oh yesm
Sleep with or without clothes on?: with
Prefer black or blue pens?: black
Dress up on halloween?: always
Have a job?: no..
Who's your favorite actor and actress?: orlando bloom johnny depp drew barrymore
Like someone?: nope
Sleep on your side, tummy and back?: yess
Think your attractive?: juss my eyes *sigh*
Want to marry?: YEss
Have a goldfish?: nope there guppies!
Ever have the falling dream?:omg yess ahh
Have stuffed animals?: i have a bunch
Go on vacation?: yea butr they suck

What do you think about....

Murder: err
Abortion:no no
Bill Clinton: heh
Smoking:I hate smoking
Eating disorders: eh to each his own
Rap: sum is okay
Pop: haha RULES
Techno: oh god fun
Jerry Springer: what is up with this quiz and him...
Suicide: um its kinda selfish
South Park: its okay
Summer: funnn
Tattoos: verey cool
Peircings: cartlidge and belly button needed lol
Make-up: i hate ppl who wear alot
Drinking: ok ish but not beer like pina coladas and daquris
Guys: hot but asses
Girls: lies and is jelous they dont ever feel happy for you only rare ones

This or That

Peirced nose or tounge? tongue
Be serous or funny? funny
Single or taken? i duno coz i have never bEEN taken...bitches
Simple or complicated? a lil of both
Campfire or fireplace? fireplace
Bathing suit or snow suit? snow i look fat in a bathing suit
Law or anarcy? huh?
Mtv or vh1? mtv
7th heaven or Dawsons Creek? i guess 7th..althogh i never watched any.. juss 7th to watch the episode with lance bass X-D
Sugar or Salt? sugar
Siver or gold? silver
Golden Girls or Full house? omg full house!
Chocolate or flowers? chocolate
Angels or miracles? miracles
Color or black and white photos? color
Sunrise or sunset? sunset
M&Ms or Skittles? M & M's
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