Feb 16, 2005 12:57
Yah, so monday night sucked jus really bad over all and i was really sad. Last night/yesterday was great! i had a good day to forget all about mon. night then we had our basketball game, and we were down by 15 at ½... came out the 2nd ½ and tied it up. We were down by 1 with .35 seconds and Renee made 2 freethrows and we ended up winning by a point!! Their were def. sum volient ass girls on that team too. Emily and Breanna ended up gettin fouled out and i made 2 girls cry. =) lol Watched suma the varsity game with gabby, came home took a shower, started shortin through my older crap and then josh called and we talked for ahwile and i told him a bagillion stories, then robert called n we talked about crap. Today was a good day so far. Lotsa sophomores are gone on retreat so mrs lombardi (2nd hour/script) let us watch mrs doubtfire lol... hada sub 3rd hour so jus texted back n forth with tammy n josh. Basketball prac 2night- 6:15-8:15 what kinda crap is that!!??!! (3 more dayz ;))
nywayz, ill ttya beautifuls layta!