(no subject)

May 22, 2005 00:21

What an interesting  night.

I ended up sleeping in the back of a truck with Dusty, Kristen, Ravi and Tom .

None of which I've ever hung out with before for more than an hour or so.

All of them are lovely, though a bit rude . . . besides Tom.

Got home at 6:30 this morning, 007 style. Who sneaks in to their house?

Work today 12-4.

The new girl is stealing all of my hours.

She's. . .interesting in that watching grass grow sort of way.. . .If grass had yellow teeth!

Sorry, that was mean.

I got a pedicure for the first time today!

One of my lines is crooked.

They did not have ballerina shoes in my size and color.

Love life is non-existant.

It should reappear. . .a long with a pretty man.

Joshua and I talk now ((If you would call it that!!!)). Regular, not talking talking.

I miss that kid's friendship. . .a lot.

Kenneth still hates me.

Kodairo tried to hang out, but I was not home.

It'll be another year and a half before I ear from him again.


Liz put me in her emo club, I'm right eye. Ahaha. <3. ((I don't have one.))

Happy Birthday to Allie Bryant! She's finally 15; What the little?!

I love all of you! You should love me back. . . . . about now!
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