Snow day once again =) =)

Jan 26, 2005 09:23

Its been a few days since I updated...

Friday I slept at Chris's with Lisa and Geo~> I deff had the best time!

Saturday the boys made breakfast to go.  I got home, showered then hung out wit Missy and Danny. That was another day of lotsa snow falling, so Missy's dad picked her up early. Right after she left, Krista came over.  We went to Stevens for a lil while, until Krista called her lover, then we went to my house for the rest of the night.  Deff took us like 30 minz to walk her home tho lol.

Sunday I didnt have work I dont Krista and I went to McDonald's for like 2 hrs, literally. It was fun tho cuz Mike, Ant, and Danny was there.  Danny, Krista, and I went back to my house and Mandy came over. I went to Al's for supper, then dont know what I did after that.

Monday -started the new term or w/e. I tried Lisa's 3rd period. I hope I can.  After school, I had an othro app.  Mandy and Danny came over when I got home.  We just hung out, then Mandy and I had CCD. Gotta love it tho, Andrew, Mandy, me and when Casey is there have soo much fun.  When I got home I watched 7th Heaven then went to bed.

Tuesday after school I went to Stevens for a bit wit Danny than came home.  After I ate, Lisa, Chris, Geo, and Krista came over. We all just hung out. Chris, and Geo went and took a walk and came back wit Manny so we hadda leave.  We walked to 7-11 then came back here. Danny and Steve came over.  Lisa and I watched One Tree.  Krista left at 9, Lisa, Chris, Manny, and Geo left at like 9:30 and Steven and Danny at like 10.

Today is yet another snow day!! Im going to watch Wicker Park at Mandys then probly do the usual when Steven wakes up.

URgh- No places are Hiring!! So I might just have to stay with this place..=\. I guess its money coming in tho, but what I dont get is how they can take 1/2 my paycheck for taxes?? Thats the only bullshit that there is, besides the idiot that is the manager..well I gotta decide by 2 today if I want to quit or not.. Im out tho

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