Jan 13, 2005 17:27
Well, right now Krista and I are having a blast chillen at my house right now..i know all of you are jealous but its ok. I have NO idea what I did last week, but here goes..
Sunday I worked til 130 then hung out wit Krista, Danny, and Missy. It was DEAD around here. I went to Al's to eat, then came home. Steven, Chris, Geo, and Lisa came over and hung out here til it was time for them to come home.
Monday I got home, went to Mandys where Steven, Mandy, Lisa, Chris, Greg, and Geo were. We played 2 rounds of quarters then headed to Stevens. Met up wit Krista and Missy on the way I think We all hung out at Stevens. Everyone just like left and it was Steven, Lisa, Krista, Chris, and Manny. Krista and Manny left, Danny came, and Chris, Steven, Lisa and I played 2 games of quarters..We got the guys ;)! Finally!!!
Tuesday Krista, Danny, Mandy, and Missy came over and we got pizza. Then Steven and Chris came but then left to Stevens. We went to 7-11 then Missy and Mandy left. Danny, Lisa, Chris, Steven, Timo, Geo, and Krista came were all chillen in my celiar. Krista's love came over, no names at the moment, if you dont know you probly shuddnt then. Anyway, we all left my house and went to Stevens, where Eddie and Rico also came in the house. It was pretty fun=). A lil drama but that was over with.
Yesterday I went to Stevens after school and hung out with him, Juan, and Chris. We went to Mandys a bit later. Lisa and Missy came over right before we hadda leave..When we got to Stevens Missy left wit Sammy and them. We didnt do much at Stevens but hang out all night.
Today Im finally 17! After school my mom brought Missy and I home and then we met up with Krista and Danny. We walked to Dannys then to Mandys. Jon came over and Missy and Danny left with him a bit later. Krista and I left and walked around. We saw Eddie and Rico but Eddie was rude to Krista so we left and came here. Malar stopped by!=)! I was excited cuz I didnt know he was coming. I guess Timo is coming over in a few..maybe gunna get Kristas love over later on too.
I dunno what Im doing this weekend. Krista is goin to Canada=\, My sis is coming up for tomorrw and Sat. I think Im gunna go to the mall sometime this weekend. I gotta work my shitty job on Saturday..Hopefully guna find suttin new so I dont gotta deal with that cunt....My mom sed that I am guna be able to get a car probly in the beg. of Feb. But I deff wana get a new job!! 3 day weekend! Hopefully suttin exciting will happen?? I gotta go tho, xo0ox-
PS- I would like to apologize to the love of my life for my violent actions!! plz forgive me! I dont want our relationship to end..ok im done.