First thing I wanna say, I’m not new to True Blood. I mean, I know the Show since some times now. So why didn’t I post about it before… Well there is a reason… You see, I like True Blood, it’s a good Show, but I have a slight problem with it : I DON’T CARE ABOUT ANY OF THE MAIN CHARACTERS! Which can be a bit of a problem...
But careful! I didn’t say I don’t like them. I mean that I don’t dislike Sookie, Bill, Eric & Sam, but I don’t like them either. So yeah, I never bother to post about a Show I watched just for the fun without being into the fandom at all. Since I don’t dislike them, I watched and enjoyed the show, but I never been crazy about it.
The fact is, I found the secondary characters far more interesting! I totally adore Pam, Jessica, Maryann, they’re awesome! But let’s face it, the main reason I finally bother to post about the Show is Godric.
But let’s introduce the Show properly (and under the cut because HELLO SPOILERS)!
The main characters of the Show are :
Sookie Stackhouse : she’s a barmaid and telepath in the fictional town of Bon Temps, Louisiana. Sookie lives with her grandmother, and work at Merlotte’s bar. She fall in love with a vampire, Bill Compton, and feels strongly about another one, Eric Northam (though, in the books, she never allows herself to completely fall in love with him because she believes that he would be incapable of a serious and committed relationship with her, which in my opinion is probably the truth).
I personally, like I said it above, don’t dislike or like Sookie. I just don’t really care about her. She is kinda cute and I love Anna Paquin though!
Bill Compton is the grumpy, self loathing vampire of the Show. He is angsty, crazily in love with Sookie, ridiculously possessive (or maybe just careful since she indeed seems to attract supernatural creatures). Bill was born in April 9, 1840. He lived in Bon Temps, Louisiana, and fought for the South during the Civil War. He hates his maker Lorena and tends to act before thinking when Sookie is involved.
Like Sookie, and don’t really like or dislike him. (I just think they're really hot in real life! :3)
Eric Nothamn. So, believe it or not, I’m not actually crazy about the great Eric Northman either! So fine, I’m not blind, I can say that the guy is not bad looking. He is an old vampire (about 1500 years old), was a Viking before being turned, somewhat arrogant, but having a true “joie de vivre” (he totally love life, and that’s something I like about him… he remind me of Methos). In the books, Sookie describes him as “ handsome, in fact, radiant; blond and blue-eyed, tall and broad shouldered.” And adds the first time she saw him naked that “if there were an international butt competition, Eric would win, hands down - or cheeks up.” Which is always nice to know. He is smart, ruthless, and has a good sense of humor.
Still, I wasn’t really into him until his maker came into the picture in the Show! (and never care about the pseudo thing with Sookie)
Sam Merlotte. The sad thing about Sam is, I always feel like I should love him. Really. I mean, I adore shapeshifters, and he is basically a puppy so what? Anyway, he is the owner of Merlotte's, a small bar in Bon Temps, Sam has expressed his interest in Sookie and has kissed her on more than one occasion, but the two have never dated. Sam is always concerned for Sookie's safety. A good guy, and cute as hell in his animal’s form.
I still don’t get how come I’m not crazy about him… I should, I really should, he is pretty much all I like, but I still don’t care. *Sigh…*
It makes no sense...
So let’s now get to the interesting part (at least for me)! They’re not the most important characters in the Show, but let’s face it, they’re the reason I actually watch it!!! True Blood trully rocks on the secondary characters dominion!
So even if I should start with Tara, I’m gonna start by Pam because I love her to bit!
Pamela is Eric Northman’s child and his second in command. She is sarcastic and a has a special sense of humor (which is probably why I love her so much). She is described in the books as “a young suburban housewife, middle-class woman, but mostly as "Alice in Wonderland with fangs". All we know about her past in the Show, is that Eric made her about a century ago. She loves what she is, and basically rocks. She is not afraid of telling her thought to Eric, and they probably have one of the most “normal” and healthy maker/child relationship of the Show.
Tara Thomton is Sookie’s best friend. She’s kinda wild, and have often crush/relationship with the wrongs guys be I think she’s an interesting character!
Lafayette Renolds is the kind of character so unusual on TV and made of so much awesome that you hardly know what to say about them. He is Tara’s cousin, the cook at the Merlotte bar, and a flamboyantly gay (somewhat likes Emmett in QAF, except in Louisiana & black). He is funny and so freaking cool.
Oh, I almost forgot him : Jason Stackhouse. He is Sookie’s older brother and that pretty much all I have to say about him. I don’t like him. In fact, he could get under a bus in the next episode I wouldn’t even blink. He is basically useless (even if he care about his sister), and have a dick where his brain should be. Sometimes, I think that if you cut is head open, you will find the same thing that was in Homer Simpson’s head, a little piece of paper saying :
“I own you a brain.
On the other hand, while a lot of people don’t like her, I adore Jessica Hamby!
Jessica is Bill’s child, but he never wanted her and she was made against her will (Bill is punished for killing another vampire by being forced to create a new vampire… not the best way to be turned!).
So yeah, she’s annoying but that’s part of why I love her because she is SUPPOSED to be annoying! I mean, the girl has been turned at seventeen (teenage girls are annoying by nature people!) against her will by a guy that obviously never wanted her! She was not going to be ok and stable! So yeah, she is unstable, bitchy, and a total prat, but she is also sensible and insanely cute. She is one of my very favourite character in the show! :3
(Plus, her awkward love story with the human Hoyt Fortenberry and the totally not fun problem of perpetual virginity are just making her even more touching to me.)
The fact that she’s a redhead doesn’t hurt! *Have a thing for redhead!*
As for Maryann Forrester, I think she rocks. But ok, I’m biased, since the woman is a maenad! As a true fan of mythology, I could only love her because there is so few (in fact, I don’t know any other) representation of the maenad in TV Show nowadays. I wouldn’t say she is evil (I mean, she is a maenad, right & wrong, and human’s laws & moral means nothing to her), but she surely is manipulative. Which is only making her more loveable to me (I must have a thing for bitchy characters!). She present herself as a wealthy, mysterious "social worker".
Maryann possesses an assortment of strange abilities which include: the power to influence or control the behaviour of others, forcing shape shifters into changing shape, immortality, blood that is toxic when consumed by vampires, the ability to deflect bullets or invulnerability and the ability to transform her hands into claws that secrete a powerful neurotoxin. Oh and the tried to sacrifice Sam and holds several orgies… Fun character! :)
Same thing for Lorena. Most people probably hate her, but I actually love her. She is a true vampire, who don’t give a shit about humans (Lestat anyone?), and really likes to play with her food. Plus, I think it must be very painful for her to be hate by her child, Bill, when she is so deeply and obviously in love with him. Her relationship with Bill actually remind me a lot of Lestat relationship with Louis… (but thank God she never had the fucked-up idea to make a Claudia).
A few words about Sophie Anne Leclerq, the vampire queen of Louisiana; a beautiful, pale as milk, with reddish brown hair, large and tilted brown eyes. She is a smart and strategic leader within the vampire hierarchy with just the right kind of crazy in her (she remind me just a little bit of Cassie from Skins sometimes…) and one of her lovers, Hadley Delahoussaye, who happen to be Sookie’s cousin, turned by Sophie Anne!!! I loved them both!
And last, but truly not LEAST at all, the main reason I’m doing this post about True Blood : GODRIC!!!!! Because Godric just made me scream like an hysterical fangirl behind my computer, and I’ve never been so much in love with a vampire since Anne Rice’s gang (OMFG Louis de la Pointe du Lac I love you! And Marius… and Armand… and Gabrielle, whatever, you got the point!).
So Godric is Eric Northman’s maker & the sheriff of Area 9. He is older than 2000 years old, turned at sixteen, small, with dark hair & grey eyes, pristine and beautiful (oh, and I’m totally crazy about his arms!). He got a lot of tattoos from roman’s times on his body, on his arms, just on the collarbone around his neck and on his back (but that’s all we saw, it’s mentioned in the books that he got tattoo all over his body so maybe they’re more lower… :D).
We know absolutely nothing about his past, or his maker, except about the night when he made Eric, where he was apparently wild and playful. He is apparently the most powerful vampire in America, and probably the oldest too. Even Eric said that he isn’t half as powerful as Godric. But he also is in a very deep clinical depression (kinda likes the girls in Virgins suicide). He is very quiet, calm, seemed bored and distasteful about his own kind to the point he decided to kill himself (and cos a big mess with the Fellowship of the Sun along the way). A bit like Methos, he grown to care about humankind, and have more faith in them than in his own kind.
His relationship with Eric is the strongest maker/child relationship we have seen so far in the show, and the most exclusive. The devotion, trust and love between them is intense to the point I’m not quite sure that it is healthy, and Godric is the only person I have seen Eric being really emotionally involved with so far, to the point of going out of control, not even caring about begging, and being openly unreasonable. Also the only one Eric cried for as well, and cared enough to be ready to give up a life he loved to be able to die with his maker, and I actually cried like a baby in that damn episode 9.
Personally, let’s be clear, I don’t give a damn what happen in the Show, he is my favourite character! Plus, since we know nothing about his past, and this is a supernatural Show, we can imagine pretty much what we want for him to come back (BTVS & Angel did bring vampires back to life, even Anne Rice did it, so why not here?)