My new Fandom... :D (I never ever stop)

Nov 07, 2008 16:05


Because, honestly, this new show on BBC rock! XD (and is really really slashy of course XD).

WARNING : Spoilers under the cut! :)

So, this is Merlin, cute, adorable, and really, really honest (maybe too much, since it get him in troubles most of the times!). :D
He is my favourite, of course! He is a sorcerer since birth, and do it as naturally as breathing ("I could move objects since before I could talked!"). But magic is forbiden in Camelot, and he would be condemn to death if he was discover.

And this is Arthur! Don't get fool by the pretty face, he is an arrogant prat! :D (but he soooo loves Merlin so it's ok XD)

Morgana, Uther's pupil, and pretty much the girl every guy in the country perv on, except Lancelot, Gaius (and let's hope Uther)!!! XD She got the gift of magic too, and dreams about the futur, but she don't learn magic... yet!

Gwen, Morgana's servant, and obviously in love with Merlin (but not very good at flirting XD and Merlin is so oblivious...).

Gaius, who is like a father to Merlin, and Uther's physician. He know about magic, and try to protect Merlin. (He ROCK! :D)
Some slash him with Uther (but you probably don't want to know that XD)

Uther, Arthur's daddy. He do not like magic very much (if condemn to death anyone using magic, for good or for bad, can be consider as "not very much" :D). Of course, Merlin is not very fond of him.

Nimueh is a powerful witch, and she kinda hates Uther. So she tried to kill everyone in the city with a curse, and was stop by Merlin. Since then, she's kinda obsess with him (mostly, she try to kill him XD). She totally ROCK and I she is my favourite female character (I love bitch XD).

And last, but not least, the great Dragon, who is pretty obviously a slash fan in disguise coz he shamelessly try to put Arthur & Merlin together. XD
"A half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole"

And here, the link to some wonderful place on Youtube were you can watch the Show! :D

tv show, new fandom, merlin, slash, bbc

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