I finally saw those 3 new episodes of Heroes!!!!
Mohinder seems reluctant to put a T-shirt on for the season 3...
Well, I can't say I don't like it!!! :D
(But I DON'T like the whole "I fuck Maya coz I'm overexited to have cool powers" things, but I hope he will get over it, one way or another... or that Maya will at least do me the favor to die coz she is useless in this show :D).
I love Mohinder, but I know I'm NOT impartial. My opinion is totally biased since I find the guy insanely gorgeous! He could plan to destroy the world and wipe humanity out of the map (an NO, that's not what he's trying to do right now... well not yet!), I would still love him!!! XD
Sylar is... well, Sylar! Killing people, getting new powers, having mother's issue! Nothing new here, everything is fine! :D
Oh, he is maybe the son of Angela (that kinda explain a LOT of thing about him if it's true) so, the brother of Nathan and Peter... which would definitly make the Petrelli the most fuck up familly EVER!!! :D (Even the Winchester can't beat them now XD).
What is new, is that I start to find Noah cool... that's scare me a bit!!! XD
Peter start to bored me. Don't get me wrong, I like the guy!!! But the whole, "I have to change the futur, so I change the past and oups, it's worse now so I try again" is getting old, but eh! only 3 episode for now, so we will see!!!
Linderman... well WTF????!!!!
Claire, she was getting on my nerves already on the last season, let's just say it's not getting better (and since even Sylar can't kill her, I have to deal with it XD).
Hiro & Ando & Daphné are awesome! Not really usefull yet, but awesome! :D
Claire's mother ROCK!!!! :D
Nikki, well, I stop caring about her a long time ago so, I don't have anything to say about her!
I love Elle, I wanna see her more!!!!
Angela is a crazy bitch (nothing new here either, I know) I like her and I wanna kill her slowly at the same time... strange isn't it?
Matt, well, I wonder a bit about this girl in the painting, but I can't say I'm really thrill about it...
BUT, where are West (okay, I never liked him but still...) and Molly???!!!