Skins, last episode... "She says "Wow" a lot."

Apr 15, 2008 10:51

Skins season 2 episode 10!!!! *In fucking tears*

No surprise here, I'm crying like a baby! Jal speech during Chris funeral was one of the most powerfull thing I even saw on a TV show!!!

The Tony/Sid pairing just hit me HARD on the face during this episode too. Kinda strange...

(James/Maxxie+Anwar?! That's gonna get messy XD)

The car chase was one of the best fucking thing ever! And even if the girls get angry (I can understand why) I believe that Chris would have love it :D

"Maxxie, there is a coffin in the room, how that's not uncomfortable?!" I loveeee James XD

The ending was so sad (Tony/Sid friendship was really cute, but I still hate the Tony/Michelle pairing), I'm quite disappointed that we didn't see Sid find Cass... Anyway, Effy in Tony's bed was a damn brilliant way to end this show!

(I'm still not sure I'm gonna like the season 3, but, at least, I can say that Effy is totally awesome :D)

My favourite characters in the show are always gonna be :


Skins Forever!!!!

cassie, mood post, season 2, episode 10, maxxie, skins, chris, pics, jal

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