Dec 12, 2008 18:20
well well well I know it's winter cus there's frozen water outside.. ughh nothing makes me more depressed then it being freezing cold and NOT snowing.. I mean come on if I'm going to shiver my buns off at lest give me some white heavenly background!!.. I guess now would still be a great time to go play in some dead trees.. ohh my birthday blissfully passed.. under the radar for the most part.. got some b-day nookie and this weekend I will be going to shop for my new baby!!! It's been 2 years I will now have my greatly awaited return to evil doings!
why just the other day I was talking about having $1000 in my grasp and having it slip away due to my poor judgment in roommates and having to pay more then expected for the RV for this last gotj... but all the hard work... and burned fingers.. while still paying my bills on time.. have all paid off in the end.. I got it once more and now I get to spoil myself and buy just what I want.. but I'm like a me in a candy store I don't know what I want to pick...
ohh well I'm going to deal hunt this weekend.. I may have saved money but I'm a jew for deals...used.. who cares I'm going to use it too..things are "used" as soon as you buy it as far as the stores see it.. and if it will save me $100 then I'm game!
any tways... I've got hair orders to fill, plus t-shirt and stickers.. and a 2 banners.... x-mas is turning out to be much more busy.. and profitable
Viva-La Consumerism..