Garage rock! I like you... I like you alot! You
and indie are on the same plane for me! You
bring rock'n'roll down to its dirty roots,
whether being minimalist like The White Stripes
or retro like The Strokes. You keep on doing
what you're doing! Oh...and did I mention I
like you alot?
What genre of rock are you? brought to you by
Quizilla hope that bitch works. html can really be a slut sometimes.
I never update, I so sorry. I think I jsut like reading other people's stuff more than composing my own. so let's get with the random.
hot shit. I never thoguth I'd say this, but newwalmart made me very happy today. After the whole art club ordeal(paint all UP on my jacket's business) I decided I'd check out the newness of the tiles and the high high ceilings of newwalmart.
I had no freaking clue. good god. The parking lot was literally packed. I thought they were being pretentious making it so big before, but jesus h...
It was great.
I asked an associate were the photo department was, she screwed up her face, so I threw her a bone(not a bone was thrown, hardison allusion) and said "next to electronics?" Her face lit up and she pointed at the portrait studio. I did the whole gracious thing and walked towards it. 10 feet later I veered away, because she really had no clue what the fuck she was talking about. regardless, after passing more rednecks then a Jerry Springer cameraman, I almost literally tripped over a photo display,and
proceeded with the reaping of the roll-back crops.
I discovered the joy that is 2 day developing, because it is saving me 3 bucks. whodi.
anyways, on the way out, I killed some people with my car, but I'll spare you the details.
then I saw they'd put up a little mini-station. I initially smirked at it's utter lack of tact(pish posh, a gas station at a walmart? who has ever HEARD of such a proposition, dear boy?) but then I saw gas was 4 cents cheaper, so then I was happy and I bought some gas YEEE
Oh, I tried on a tux, too. a giant starchy tux.
let me say I was as sexy as god ever intended man to be, and then some (yow)