Aug 04, 2005 16:23
ugh this week sux. im tired of just fucking waiting on people to do some thing. if you are going to make plans to do some thing with me dont have me waiting around all fucking day to just tell me at the last minute that you have other plans so then im screwed b/c i sat around and wasted my day.
so basically i am threw with it all.. people need to grow up.
my oral sugery has been set for August 16th. wish me luck..
Warped tour in charlotte is now only 4 days away. i am excited and glad that i went to the one in cincinnati so now ill know my way around and know where everything is.
i seriously hope things are going to start looking up. hm anyways on a happier note my kitten is doing great! and she is finally used to the whole house now instead of her hiding in my room all day.. speaking of kittens my aunt has 4 that she is looking for a good home for if you are interested plez give me a call on my cell.. (704 737 5773) the were born on June 22nd and there are 2 boys and 2 girls.. they are so cute.