Important Information about your Privacy

Oct 28, 2011 03:09

As many of you may have seen by now, LiveJournal has rolled out Release 86 this week.

This release was intended to cut down on the spambots by altering the way LJ handles cookies. What did it do instead? Opened up a massive security and privacy breach. This new release has made it possible for random users to access random accounts simply by clicking links on the site. They don't even have to be technologically literate to access your account. More often than not, they just have to try to change something, be it editing a comment or altering their layout.

The new way of handling cookies basically makes LJ forget who you are. You can change your password as many times as you like; it still won't make you any less vulnerable.

Most people who have encountered this glitch have been level-headed enough to sign out and report it. But not everyone is that honest.

What's more frightening is that LJ is keeping quiet about this. This has been going on for over three days, and not an official word has been uttered. This is not only bad business practise, but illegal.

I've no idea if this has been fixed, as there hasn't been anything said on the matter one way or the other. But the fact remains that LJ clearly does not care about its customers or your privacy.

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