May 21, 2005 19:04
So I wasn't home today. I was at the studio with Sean, practicing and helping him teach a lesbian couple. Then it was off to urgent care with Mr Freeman, who, thankfully, isn't going to die. Dropped Sean off at home and off to Jackie's to pick her up. Target for shopping, Starbucks for refreshment.
And then home.
Now, I knew that Beau/Ryan would be moving out. He told me he was packing up some stuffs. I think from now on I need to be here when he packs. Yeah, I think he took a few of my things. Oh, and he took the tv. It's his, and I told him I didn't need one here, but he took it and didn't mention it. And that's just kinda rude. I mean, come on. At least mention it so that I don't think we got robbed when I walk in the door. Sean's not moving his stuff in until next weekend, and I don't know.
My feet hurt.
I love our routines for comp. Now if I can just get them right.
ok, nap time.