Jul 10, 2006 22:52
In case you were contemplating it, I do NOT suggest breaking any bones in your foot. I also do not suggest dancing when you're in my pain just because you're a dancer & you're used to being in some sort of pain most of the time. I feel a little betrayed by my foot & a lot annoyed that I have been reduced to a hobbling, mono-calfasaurus. Yah, I said it - mono-calfasaurus. It is AMAZING (in a bad way) how much your muscle deteriorates after being in a cast for 3 weeks. I had NO IDEA it could be this bad. My right calf looks like an old lady's saggy arm fat AKA "kimono arms." I am SO DEPRESSED! :( Even though I'm in a "walking cast" now I'm not supposed to be walking on it...and I have been really bad about it this past week & am totally feeling it. Tomorrow it's back to crutches + no driving because if after all this crap (6 weeks of no treatment due to misdiagnosis, 3 weeks of cast up to my knee AKA cripple in Europe extravaganza, & 3 weeks of "the boot") my foot isn't better, watch out for the mental breakdown that is sure to occur. Now, more than ever, I am sitting by my mailbox waiting for my acceptance letter to the teaching program at Cal State Long Beach - it's the brightest thing in my future right now because dancing isn't going so well. I feel bad for my ankle, calf, etc because they didn't even do anything wrong & they have to suffer because my stupid foot broke :( ARGHHG!