Tue, 21:01: RT @ jelenawoehr: The French don’t believe in private ownership of grizzlies, because bears aren’t mine or yours, they are ours
Tue, 21:08: RT @ roryisconfused: Fascinated by those magazines you see in supermarkets called like ‘Take a Break!’ and ‘That’s Life!’ where they have th…
Tue, 21:23: RT @ SoVeryBritish: Using up all of your daily energy concentrating on pulling the appropriate facial expression for the situation
Tue, 21:25: RT @ David__Osland: Each year there are more Tory MPs convicted of sex offences than voters convicted of ID fraud
Wed, 16:31: RT @ JasonKPargin: The crucial thing to remember is that no human in history has ever known what a "normal" human mind feels like from the i…
Wed, 16:32: RT @ GBBranstetter: If enforcing gender norms requires a constant state of surveillance and censorship then they probably aren't as biologic…