Wed, 14:44: RT @ guntrip: Digistore EU have promoted an AI to their website's chat function. It's not working particuarly well. Follow my attempts to ge…
Wed, 14:47: RT @ textfiles: They told him, "Don't you ever come around here" "There's no holes on the tables, they just disappear" The fire's in their e…
Wed, 14:48: RT @ SuedeBlade: Still blows my mind that Elmo, Grover and Kermit were all legitimate, relatively common names before the muppets made it im…
Wed, 14:51: RT @ maeisafraid: My friend is an exotic vet tech and today a gecko named Dave came in because he got stuck in a skull. 🦎💀…
Wed, 14:57: RT @ hartsman: Yep. And as I pointed out to someone at GDC this year, Twitter is in fact a text and image based PvP sandbox MMO, that some o…
Wed, 15:03: RT @ robmanuel: Every high street should have a plasticmonger - a nerd that sits in a shop with a 3D printer who can make the little plastic…
Wed, 21:45: RT @ wyatt_privilege: Thanks for the reply. Are there any other personal details from your life that make this joke setup not applicable to…
Wed, 21:49: RT @ jfruh: the kids around him only vape so their lungs aren't adequately hardened. only a pack of galloises a day can protect you from les…
Wed, 21:49: RT @ mewo2: To be fair, the Medicis probably did send out for commissions like "grandi tette, bella donna, grandi anime honkers, trendato su…
Thu, 07:09: RT @ NHSMillion: In 2010 public satisfaction with the NHS was the highest on record. 13 years later, satisfaction with the NHS is now at an…
Thu, 07:27: RT @ swagitda_: Imagining an attack operation where they steal dev credentials, push malicious code, then discover the build fails. The att…
Thu, 07:36: RT @ SoVeryBritish: British ways to say “I’ve just been through the most harrowing and traumatising experience of my life”: It is what it i…