I've made my third significant contribution to the internet, and I'm as happy as a pig in mud.
The first was back in the late 1990s when I took the information on the origins of Zhuyin Fuhao 注音符號 / Bopomofo ㄅㄆㄇㄈ out of an obscure and technical book from NTNU's publishing house called Mandarin Phonology 國音學 and put it on the internet. I then passed that information to the Kenyon College Chinese listserv, and one particular graduate student at the University of Hawaii (Jerry something?) incorporated it into a handout for his classes; before long the same information ended up on
wikipedia. That was all me, baby. Although I can't take credit for putting it in wikipedia.
The second was when I added more Mahayana type information to Buddhist Wikipedia pages, which had largely been written up by Theravada followers. That really helped round out the information out there.
Now, my latest contribution has come to fruition. While researching for
this blog post on the eight worldly winds, I noticed that a section of the Vinaya material in 《摩訶僧祇律》was a great correspondence to the very prominent and important
Lokavipatti Sutta, but that
Suttacentral.net (which tracks such correspondences) didn't know about it. So I emailed in my find and got it added to the database. Now I am riding high on the worldly winds of praise and gain, pleasure and fame.