They read those coordinates out loud eleven thousand times over the course of the episode. I counted. IN THE FUTURE: NO TEXTING (I didn't forget Uhura's badge, she RIPPED IT OFF IN A RAGE)
Raise your hand if you spent half the ep expecting the crew to be around the next corner with a big cake, like I did.
I. I just. These space dudes might actually be dumber than the half-white, half-black dudes from the Very Special Space Racism Episode. How do you look up Kirk's medical file and latch onto "survived rare deadly disease which may or may not still be in his system"? I'd think the first thing I'd see would be the panicked "KIRK BANGS TOO MANY LADIES, HOW DO I MAKE HIM STOP, OH GOD WHY -- McCoy" notes scrawled all over the place.