(no subject)

Aug 20, 2005 01:27

How is it that people can disbelieve that the Holocaust occurred?

Six million people don't disappear overnight.

The Americans had figures coming in daily from Auschwitz. "12,000 killed today" They decoded the Enigma and knew that people were dying, in large quantities, daily. They obviously could do nothing - tell the Germans they decoded their Enigma and knew they were killing tens of thousands per day? Or wait it out and see if they could help later? Obvious.

They think of silly excuses. "Zyklon B couldn't be made into a gas and pumped into the room through shower heads, it doesn't work that way." Sure it does. They discovered it was useful for more than just delousing the Jews. When Proester wrote his report in the early 40s, he stated that they used children in Buchenwald to test out whether it killed more than just lice. So it did. Effectively. If the pipe system couldn't support the gas, they could easily drill in holes or dropboxes in the shower rooms and heat the ZB to its required 84F and let it work.

They ask for photos of a gassed Jew in a chamber. Why would the Nazis document their deaths in such a way? If you do something illegal and you do something that awful (in their heart of hearts, they must have had enough conscience to realise that genocide is wrong) you don't document it with video or photos. There's pictures of Dachau, stained blue from the ZB. Mass graves discovered, hundreds of thousands of skeletons dug up like an archealogical goldmine. You don't have ten thousand Jews convieniently die together and then throw them all into a giant trench to rot.

Just because roughly 55,000,000 people died in WWII doesn't mean we have to ignore the fact that six million of those people were sadistically, intentionally and fully prosecuted and exterminated. 18-20 million Russians died, yes. It was a war between many nations and Russia was in the midst of it with no economy, no provisions, no soldiers and no way of removing themselves. Of course millions of Russians died - but they were not exterminated. They were not experimented upon or tortured. Read the Buchenwald Report. Come back and tell me a Jew dreamed up those occurrences in order to turn a profit of a novel. Who could honestly say they watched their families thrown into the latrines, drowned in human excrement, and be able to live with themselves if it were a lie? Not one human being could.

I've even heard Holocaust Deniers trying to convince others on the smallest detail. When people die, any excrement in their bodies leaves it. Apparently, if this occurred the stench would never leave. Lies. Disinfectant can clean a room, can rid it of stench. Anyone that owns a toilet can tell you that - you take a shit and you spray some air freshner. Problem solved. Crude and crass, but honest.

This does not occur because somebody forget to ration out the proper amount of food. This does not occur because the German soldiers needed more to eat than the victims. This does not occur because of Typhus, Hep B or C, AIDS or any other disease that ran amok in the camps. This does not occur because someone carried quarry stones for eighteen hours a day. This is the systematic and regulated extermination of Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies and handicaps. While there were hundreds of factors in death tolls of the Jews - from cruel jokes by the German soldiers, starvation, disease and even suicide - the fact is, Hitler ordered the SS to eliminate as many of the hated groups as efficiently and as quickly as possible.

They say bullets would be cheaper - this is incorrect. Bullets are effective, if aimed properly, but six million bullets costs a lot more than a few pellets of ZB. While the cost of building the room must be factored in, overall it is less damaging to the Nazis budget. As well, they began their gassings by experimentation involving "gas trucks" which would be large carriers with the exhaust pumped into the back resulting in death by CO2 inhalation. You could kill a few thousand by running a truck for 15 minutes, or by shooting a few thousand bullets. If you want to effectively and tidily exterminate the masses, you'd choose Option (Z)B. If you want to kill them quicker, make them put their hands above their heads, pack them in tight like sardines... they suffocate faster in masses. How else would you say 12,000 Jews were murdered daily in ONE camp alone? (There were several)

Auschwitz/Birkenau had Krema I-IV. If it really wasn't a concentration camp, no matter how many "inmates" you had that were sick or dying, there is no way you could require five crematoriums to destroy their bodies. One, perhaps two, working crematoriums would suffice. You can burn several bodies an hour with a crematorium, assuming you don't bother to crush the bones and grind it to a fine dust such as we do in modern crematoriums. If you're shovelling them in and removing the ashes every so often, you could easily get rid of the few you could expect to die daily due to disease. Five crematoriums is a signal that should alert any rational being - if you need five round-the-clock working crematoriums, you're hiding something and destroying something.

Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Handicaps and others were not killed in combat or were collateral damage. They were systematically targeted and exterminated like a rat in your house. If they were involved in the military aspect of the War and were killed, it wouldn't be such a big deal - more Russians died than Jews, right? I'm not saying it's the largest tragedy to befall mankind. Billions of people have died in wars, genocide and murder. The Crusades. Rwanda. Israel. The list is hundreds of pages long. I'm just saying there's no way someone can rationally and logically tell me it didn't occur. Certain things make the Holocaust stand out - breadth, efficiency, premediation and cruelty. It commands you to stand up and take notice of it.

I don't really know what to say - there's more facts, figures and information I could put here - pages more. I think this will suffice it to say for now that Holocaust Deniers are full of shit. I'm not being lied to be millions of people and it was not a Holohoax, no matter what you say. Read some more intellectual material before you decide to believe in something so ridiculously unfounded.

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