Feb 14, 2005 14:27
OMG LAST NIGHT WAS THE FRIGGIN BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!! i will always remember it and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOLLY OREILLY!!! i love u so much and julia is like my new best friend ahahhahahaha we r so much a like and i cant believe i went out the window from her basement (mollys) and then peed outside and then went streaking! IM CRAZYYY i took my bra off and hten i faced mal on accident ahah and she goes OMG audd ur boobs are huge and i hadda put them away :) ahaha it was SO much funn. molly humped me at least 473095873209 tyms this morning. but i liked it so its okay. weird convos last night. and friggin kara i told her if i had to kill someone it wud be her ahaha and i wud slit her throat ahhHAHAHAAHAHHA funniest thing ever. and i called jackie a dyke btu i didnt mean it and she got so madd. and then umm i spooned w. julia haha and me and riley were trying to go on a mission but we got CAUGHT! haha and i broke the thing on mollys frigde and i dont think she knows it yet ahha anndd i talked to my baby sarah guselli i think she rly is like the cutest grl ever and shes like my bestest friend. friends for a long tym and still goin strong haha i luv u sassy.<3 baby sasa! ahah yeahh well im SO tired and id ont rly have that much homework to do and i might go for a little run and then go to nettle bcuz i miss it there. GOOODD TYMMSS. ahaha i love veeyrone
leave it
X streaker X