Для того, чтобы практиковать отречение от сансары, женщине не нужно специально уходить от мужчины. Увы или к счастью, мужчины имеют склонность уходить от нас сами.
все непостоянно, конечноoxannaJanuary 29 2008, 14:15:32 UTC
есть еще поучение, что не надо специально мстить и причинять страдание своим врагам: они итак страдают в сансаре. и не надо никого убивать: все итак умрут сами.
Student: How does the development of a relationship between a man and a woman or a marriage relate to the spiritual path? Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche: You relate with a lot of people, including your husband or wife. I don't see any particular problems. At some point, your mate becomes a spokesman of the universe to you, because your mate or your friend has been with you for a long time, so they have knowledge of you from the inside out, roughly, somewhat. I think a marriage situation is extremely creative from that point of view. There is the sense of understanding that somebody is actually a talking mirror who minds your business.
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Student: How does the development of a relationship between a man and a woman or a marriage relate to the spiritual path?
Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche: You relate with a lot of people, including your husband or wife. I don't see any particular problems.
At some point, your mate becomes a spokesman of the universe to you, because your mate or your friend has been with you for a long time, so they have knowledge of you from the inside out, roughly, somewhat. I think a marriage situation is extremely creative from that point of view. There is the sense of understanding that somebody is actually a talking mirror who minds your business.
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