Sep 10, 2004 22:32
Whats your stand on...
Abortion?: its ur body
Death Penalty?: dont believe in it
Prostitution?: > for men who cant get ne..give em a nite <
Alcohol?: if ur not driving or hurting anyone go for it
Marijuana?: fries brain cells<--cause ur gon get somewhere in life
Other drugs?: horrible gross nasty -- wtf if u do them ur insane
Gay marriage?: who cares what the damn gays do as long as they dont do ne thing in front of me let them have their pleasue y do u guys care so much about other peps business
Illegal immigrants?: DUDE serioulsy stay the fuck outa my country
Smoking?: besides the fact my close friend died from smoking b/c she got bladder cancer from it and my gma hadda get a tripple bypass and my cousins gpa died from it and it gets u later and besides the fact ima allergic and 3 times can give u cancer .. hay its ur body <--just make ur ur ok w/ dying after u make a family and shit
Drunk driving?: this question is faggy..fucken grow up dumb ass drunk drivers ... fuck u
Cloning?: that has to b the coolest thing since ... since .. the un did the supersize at mcdes :)
Racism?: deffinitly gay u should love people for who they r
Premarital sex?: im not for it but if u r go ahead
Religion?: Jesus is my best bro man <3
The war in Iraq?: Bush can suck my fuck its gay
Bush?: can u say stupidest american in history
Downloading music?: really guilty <3
The legal drinking age?: does anyone actually wait till ur 21 ?
Porn?: if ur a gross fat ugly male / female who cant get any then hay go ahead..