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Feb 07, 2005 12:13

wow..i havent updated in the longest time. alot of shit has happened since the last time i wrote but i dont remember like any of it. umm..well on friday was supposed to be our last game of the season..but since the boys won, they're in the playoffs. it was suchh a good game!! everyone was going crazyy

midterms have been over for like 2 weeks now..those were crazily stressful. im so glad they're over! overall i did pretty good i guess..

pep rally was good..everyone was cheering us on after we were done. the juniors were all chanting to do it again. it was kinda embarrasing when all the seniors were yelling "we want j.lum!" i laughed tho..it was funny. then after, me and natalie went out and i saw adam w/ dani and i was waving and he looked so confused..so we rolled down the windows and i was like do you not recognize me? and hes like noo..? and im like its jess. and hes like oo hey..whats up? he said he didnt recognize me with my hair up..rigghhtttt. and i was drinking a mikes hard and hes like thats bad! you shouldnt be drinking that! it was kinda funny cause right after we turned away from them..natalie was talking on her cell while driving and i was drinking and there was a cop car right there..so we like hid them..but there wasnt even anyone in the car..and we both started hysterically laughing..it was greattt :)

competition this past saturday..1st place in the co-ed division!! lol..i love our team :) [sleepover at alyssa's the night before = crazyyy!! ange, me, alyssa sleeping under the hockey table..wwhhattt?! ;)..haha] went shopping at woodbury after competition and got a new blue suede coach bag..my newest edition to my bag collection. lol..sam was like "ANOTHER BAG??" i cant help it! i think its a disease..

after..went to the hockey game w/ ange, coll, sam, jax, isa, and corry. then i went home a little while later and my bro had a bunch of friends over. reeked of alcohol..enough said..hahahahaha

road trip in the summer w/ kimi down to fl?? how insanee?!? it just might work outt!! :) love you soo much kimm..best friends foreverr!! i dont know what id do w/o you! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!

vermont plans shot to hell?? who the fuck knows..but if i dont get to go im gonna be sooooooo unbelievably pissed off!!

me and chris talked alot..he asked me to junior ball. i reallyyyy want to go..but lets see how things turn out cause its been kinda weird lately..well at least thats what i think. who knows..

umm yeahh..alot of other stuff has happened but dont really feel like talking about it..but now i think i have the flu and i feel like shit. i do feel alot better than i did last night though..

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