Nov 12, 2004 23:38

ok..that was officially the best fucking show ive EVER seen in my life!! it was at the backdoor with north park terrace, southcott, and rydia. woww..there are NO words for it at was soo fucking awesome :)

so north park terrace went 3rd..which is when the show basically started. they were really really good and everyone loved them. we were all right in front singing along..hellz bitchess!!

then southcott came on..omgg..can i say NEW FUCKING OBSESSION?!? like seriously..they are AMAZINGG live! they are soooooo good! there is no way to explain it w/o making them sound as amazing as they did. they are deff. in my top 5 now..SOUTHCOTT=LIFE!!! and there was this one really really really really really hot guy that i thought was gorgeous even before i knew he was in southcott. turns out hes the bass player..woww :) so i was right up in front and the singer kept on looking down at me and natalie..he has an amazing voice..kinda reminds me of TBS..and during my FAVORITE song by them..tears..the bass player like went down in his knees on the floor right in front of us and there was definately eye not gonna lie..i was pretty excited. then after the show i talked to the drummer and then i talked to the bass player..:) im deff. seeing their other shows..whenever they are..

rydia..also amazingg..they went last and they were soo good!! i of course was right up in front but yeahh..they're really good too.
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