
Jun 01, 2005 09:37

so today is a great day for some strange reason.
i have no clue why?
it just is.
it is raining this morning-like it has for the past few days..
but for some reason today is great.
like today.
i feel soo much love for David.
i know some times i'm just like "i hate him"
but, i dont know.
it is just too wierd. i love that boy so much.
he is my absolute everything.
i am so proud of him in everyway.
he just always brightens my day-
and i can never ever thank him enough.
he is my everything.
i know all of yawl are probaly like...
yeah right next week they'll be broken up again.
yeah-we have our differences, and i know when we fight we get to stubborn and ignorant to say we are sorry.
but no matter what we love each other.
i love David Brown.
>Major sorrys-just something i felt like writing.<

...he is my hero...

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