bahaha, livejournal.

Oct 21, 2005 16:48

i'm just going to do one entry. cause i feel the need for it.

well its been about 3 month. heres a quick recap...

[x] florida with family, sunny
[x] virginia beach with devin, soo fun
[x] first day of high school, interesting
[x] HOMECOMING 05 game & dance, memorable
[x] MY BIRTHDAY & PARTY!!!, sweetness
[x] Nintendo Fusion Concert with sam cooper, AWESOME TO THE 15TH POWER

and thats the highlights. yep, life is pretty good. don't ask why i'm writing in here because honestly, i don't even know. anyway since no one knows this exists its pretty funny, cus i could say anything i wanted on here. but...we'll save that for another day. not that i'm going to write in here again. too pointless. kbye
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