Aug 05, 2003 00:45
just some fun little conversations i have ;D
bemorez shortie: YES
bemorez shortie: HONKEY FROM CANADA
jAggeD AnGyL: listen herre biiish..
jAggeD AnGyL: shoosh..
jAggeD AnGyL: lol..
bemorez shortie: lmao
bemorez shortie: CANADIAN CRACKAAA
jAggeD AnGyL: riigh
bemorez shortie: mwahahahahahaha
jAggeD AnGyL: americana.. chicken head..
bemorez shortie: YOU LOVE ME
bemorez shortie: YOU LOVE ME
bemorez shortie: technically i`m not a chicken head
bemorez shortie: b*cuz i`m faithful to one guy
bemorez shortie: but
bemorez shortie: you`re a pelican!!!
bemorez shortie: ;dances;
bemorez shortie: bwahaha
bemorez shortie: ;D
jAggeD AnGyL: ;shitz on your head;
jAggeD AnGyL: ;D
bemorez shortie: ;makes you eat it like stifler did;
bemorez shortie: ;D
bemorez shortie: how ya like them `truffles`?
jAggeD AnGyL: ;getz all fiesty on your ass;
bemorez shortie: ;gets 50 pounds of mud and spreads it around a convenient little arena; bring it on!!
jAggeD AnGyL: kinky..
bemorez shortie: thass meeee <3333
bemorez shortie: ask ryan ;-)
jAggeD AnGyL: lol
bemorez shortie: it`s not like i often straddle shit
bemorez shortie: maybe i should practice on a pillow lol
THougHT2BeMoRe: true
THougHT2BeMoRe: lol
bemorez shortie: yeah that`d be cute
bemorez shortie: imagine if someone walked in on me
bemorez shortie: straddling a pillow
bemorez shortie: then they`re like
bemorez shortie: `wtf are you doing?`
THougHT2BeMoRe: lol
bemorez shortie: and i`ll be like `practicinggggg`
bemorez shortie: lol
bemorez shortie: yeah i`m that cool
bemorez shortie: ummmm
bemorez shortie: sOo when you come here
bemorez shortie: i wanna go on a date
bemorez shortie: for our anniversery
bemorez shortie: n i`m gonna take yewwww out
bemorez shortie: so when you blow up n get famous you`ll take me out :-)
bemorez shortie: and buy me chinchilla fur
bemorez shortie: mwahaha