Aug 18, 2004 14:12
ok 1st off i must say... MELON AND DOG MUST DIE!! ur both ugly nd just yea stop lol Brandis theyre soo gay :-P
funnn night w/ Kait nd the Boys *Ian Kevin Dom Jack Joe Jesse* u guys rock lol----> driving around congers nd new city, trips to white castle, sitting in Jacks room doing nothing, Dom's intense poem, Kait- "hey guys its my bday" every 5 min, watching funny videos, FUCK RASCAL!!, forcing me nd Kait to listen to porn... u guys are sick haha
oh yea.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAITLYN DIETRICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that means my bday is in exactally 1 week... nd im leaving for FLA. 2mor :( we'll see how that goes...
cant wait for tonite chilling with my Brandis baby :-D of course i leave like 3 days after she comes home.. oh well!
aright... PEACE!