"hold on its tragic, stumblin' thru all this static"

May 27, 2005 20:20

hey, whats goin' on? nothing much here, just being bored.. argh i'm so mad.. grrr..

this is how it goes -- i'm at my softball game, and i'm on 3rd base.. kara hits the ball into left field, and the girl catches it.. i'm already 1/2 to home by then.. so everyone's all GO BACK!! so i did, and i kinda slipped when i was sliding and tell me how i jam my ankle into the base.. i can hardly walk on it.. that makes me so mad.. especially cuz the dance is next friday.. it has to be better by then.. cuz of 3 reasons: 1) i already have my dress. 2) i have a date, and i can't let them down cuz from what i hear they really like me. and 3) its my LAST dance at JWIS, i have to be there.. i have ice on it now.. its goin' numb i think.. lol.. anyways -- we won the game 14-1.. [slaughter rule].. but i only got to play the 1st 2 innings cuz of my ankle..

tomorrow we were gonna go to roanoke, but i doubt thats gonna happen now cuz of my ankle.. and that sucks, cuz i have to get some shoes for the dance.. argh.. it hurts too.. ooww..

well i guess thats enough complainin' for one entry.. haha, but anyways i'ma go.. ttyl ilygsm.. bye bye (:

*-blonde - e ♥
-*ice ..
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