CR CHART: You are insane if you think this in any particular order

Nov 21, 2011 21:05

@ capeandcowl

tothecloudHis girl. She always will be, as far as he's concerned. No one ever made him smile so much before. It's been so long already, but he can't help but hope she'll be back one day. (PORTED OUT)

asspullvictoryThe father figure, zapped away and replaced with a stranger. Jaime still takes it pretty personally, but doesn't blame him. It's not his fault he can't remember how important he was.

123youreitThe boss-man, team leader. Porter shenanigans have swapped their seniority status age-wise, but Jaime still looks up to him for superheroing know-how. As one of the few long-time presences in the City, he is more comfortable confiding in him. Oh, and teasing the hell out of him.

fairyarcherA little sister, really. Except the kind who won't steal the remote and force him to watch Hannah Montana. They're in a kind of Trapped Forever in the City club, and both get each other's frustrations. He feels a little responsible for her in the face of her ever-shifting/porting family.

skrullactuallyThe brother, also victim of Porter-related memory shenanigans. It was hard to try and reconnect with him after his several returns, each more listless than before. All the important things that made up their bond was missing, and he was gone before Jaime could keep trying. (PORTED OUT)

pacifistedOne of those friendships that just seemed to happen on its own without really taking notice. Jaime trusts him, respecting him as someone who's been through a lifetime of things so much different from his own life. And then Jaime went and killed him that one time, and he'll never get over that. He misses him. (PORTED OUT)

notniteowlBeetle Sensei. Current boss. Someone to be looked up to and respected. Someone fun, despite his age. Jaime has a chance very few have: to actively learn and hang out with an admired (deceased) mentor.

brevipennateOne of Abby's friends. A sweet girl who seems too sweet for the world sometimes. An adventure in communication beyond the spoken word - he's got a lot to learn from her in that respect.

ctu_saviorTalk about badasses. Jaime's glad to have a guy like him around in City law enforcement, and feels pretty confident in trusting him with information and crisis management as incidents come and go.

theteenofsteelKept at arm's length for a bit, Jaime warmed up to him and managed to keep that fair level of friendliness with him despite Porter shenanigans. He's just a nice guy, and being on the same team kind of requires some rapport.

loltraitorlolJaime's #1 Cityverse archenemy. They've had a handful of encounters and alas, Jaime's not always been the victor, but he's had his moments. He helped take him out at the climax of a particularly dangerous scheme, and also threw a rock at him once. (PORTED OUT)

shes_intenseOne of his closest and oldest friends from childhood. That connection wasn't severed at all in the City, though the emergence of powers on her part did make things a little stranger! For all of five seconds. He misses her. (PORTED OUT)

meowminxThe older he gets, the less awkward it is to talk to women like her. She's still much older and friggin' gorgeous to boot, but he knows there's more to her than that. She helped Abby out a lot, after all.

fishnetsBlugh, magic. Also, another older attractive lady, but much more approachable. She's fun, seems generally sincere about his well-being, and no one can deny her powers are handy. Even if it is magic.

xuffaschHe's like an oversized porcupine of crankiness. Jaime feels bad for him, though - a kid who's basically going without the life of a kind. It's not something he'd bring up, of course; he's more than happy to take little prods and nudge him here and there. He's gotta lighten up, though, dang...

girlyboywonderRedbird. More Bat-people. There's just so many! But she's got a great attitude about her, and he digs that.

punmanarmyHis little buggy bot buddy. Ridiculous jokes, great attitude, generally a fun kid. Jaime would definitely like to hear from him again, but, Porter. Them's the breaks. (PORTED OUT)

ikillforsupper#2 Cityverse archenemy. Batshit crazy. Way too dangerous. He'd feel bad for her if she wasn't busy threatening to murder him and the people he cares about. (PORTED OUT)

iron_liverKind of a douche! But not as much of a douche as Jaime pegged him as, he supposes. But having his girlfriend play spy for him still rubs him wrong, so he'll always keep him at arm's length at least. That's what he thinks, anyhow.

supertorsoFriggin' gorgeous, but also apparently pretty nice and friendly. He definitely botched their initial meeting back in canonverse, but it looks like things like that are just water under the bridge. He's happy to be on good terms with Super-people, in any case.

quicktothepointLike Teddy, another friendship strained and drained by Porter shenanigans. He was always kind of a jerk, but secretly tolerable. He misses that tomfoolery...a little. Okay, maybe a little more than a little, but it's hard to reconnect with a guy like Tommy. (PORTED OUT)

boosterbuttThe toothpaste guy! Apparently he's also a superhero. Huh. Well, Jaime thinks he's kind of a tool/dweeb, but he's not all bad. He's been nice before. Besides, if Kord can tolerate him, he can't be, right? But still, after the Beanie Baby incident, best to keep this guy at a distance.

of_animaliaOne of the old guard, Titans-style. A funny guy who's easy to hang around...most of the time. The age gap kept him at a distance, but overall, Jaime liked him. (PORTED OUT)

spiritgun_punkOne of Abby's pals. He seems an okay guy, if a bit too much of a dork in delinquent's clothing. Blunt as hell, too. Not a bad thing, though.

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