fuck you, mr. barber. just like. what the hell. he is singlehandedly making me reluctant to continue IB. well kamka helps but that's a given. i went into IB knowing about her. i'm sick of the crazy assignments and how he won't shut up about stupid shit that doesn't matter. and how he thinks i'm his cousin. i'm not your fucking cousin, old man. except i probably am related to him. but whatever. shut up, old cousinman.
i'm finishing this year. and then next year the teachers are good. so i guess i'm just doing IB. forever. kinda sucks. but kinda not. idk it's not THAT BAD. but it'll be bad if everybody i like leaves it =/ ... the people make it worthwhile
i had a heated conversation with my parents about it over dinner. after dinner i went to my room and moped. my mother came in and i said "OH MY GOD. WHAT?"... thinking the lecture was going to continue. but she had just come to give me some really pretty sterling silver earrings to cheer me up. and when she left i started to cry. i felt so bad.
otherwise... omgz lovin' life.
i'm not supposed to exercise a coupla days before the half marathon.
get ready for me to be in the foulest mood. ever. i'm so dependent on exercise. blah.
i'm nervxited for it! only a few daysss.
i got a haircut today. just took off 4-5 inches... got layers. made my bangs thicker. it's a lot healthier and light and managable. i really like how my hair looks long but idk. after a while it just gets so dead at the ends and starts breaking and getting scraggly.
it's still pretty long anyway.