Feb 21, 2010 01:34
Again. Although these aren't the same as the whining noise I heard for a while a few months back. I'm not entirely sure what to make of it honestly. It's not some constant noise, and it's not loud. I suppose the closest comparison I can think of offhand is that it sounds sort of like a torque wrench. A bit. Might be something not working as well as it use to in the hard drive or something I suppose, as it does seem to be coming from inside the case.
I backed up my project data and stuff that's been modified/updated often since the last backup just in case. If the hard drive DOES go, I have a spare 250gig drive that I haven't even unpacked yet (but it was bought in 2006 so no idea if it'll still work. ^_^;) Worse comes to worse I can format the other 250gig drive that I have in that usb converter enclosure kit. IF and when the 40gig in the comp dies, I'll give Linux another shot. Only reason I didn't stick with it last time was because I couldn't figure out how to get the dsl working until AFTER I had given up. >.> They should really put all internet connection options on the first CD for debian instead of just the most common ones for particular countries. Once they have their net working after all, they can download anything else they may need. >_>