May 17th, 2008

May 17, 2008 16:19

Someone explain why the hell I'm trying to reason with a five year old who still accuses me of pulling her hair and stealing her toys...?


...maybe I should get her some crayons... kids like crayons, right?

ilu rly olettie, seifer no seifing!, uncle seisei?, seifer = not good with these things, seifer is not amused, itty olettie is itty

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seasaltpopsicle May 17 2008, 15:38:25 UTC
I like crayons! Can I have orange one, SeiSei?


i really do need a ¬.¬; icon for him... xD ownsyouall May 17 2008, 15:40:15 UTC
I'll get you a box of crayons with lots of colours, right? And I'll make sure there's an orange one...


You do xD I will either make you one or find one XD seasaltpopsicle May 17 2008, 15:41:54 UTC

Thank you SeiSei! Olettie likes orange ones! She draw you picture! 'Kay?


-noms on you again- ilu. and i can so imagine him and itty!olette sitting drawing xD ownsyouall May 17 2008, 15:44:55 UTC
That'd be great, Olettie. Really great...


LOL!!!! -Is drawing that right now! And so posting it later- seasaltpopsicle May 17 2008, 15:49:17 UTC

Good! I will draw it! Will be fun! I like older SeiSei, he is nice to Olettie!


kge;shgk;sgh KEWTNESS <333333333 ownsyouall May 17 2008, 15:52:03 UTC
Yeah, guess you're... an alright kid as well.


bgbg d'kbga'bgak <3333 seasaltpopsicle May 17 2008, 16:25:59 UTC
You called me stupid the day that was before today!

I will like you from now on SeiSei!


ownsyouall May 17 2008, 16:31:53 UTC
In your yesterday I was five. This is, like... ten years later.



seasaltpopsicle May 17 2008, 17:11:28 UTC
What am I like when I'm big!?


1/3 ownsyouall May 17 2008, 17:13:05 UTC
ownsyouall May 17 2008, 17:13:20 UTC
3/3 ownsyouall May 17 2008, 17:15:12 UTC
You're smart.


MUHAHA XD seasaltpopsicle May 17 2008, 17:17:08 UTC
Really?! Like really smart?! Am I pretty?! Do I have pet?


....evil girl. EVIL. 1/idk ownsyouall May 17 2008, 17:18:00 UTC
2/idk ownsyouall May 17 2008, 17:18:18 UTC
3/idk ownsyouall May 17 2008, 17:18:48 UTC

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